Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Here is the direct link to the interview with Dr. Paul Thomas and Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay.  

You are the director of Toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services your background is in Biochemistry that was one area where I struggled with because I just tried to memorize my way through and you probably really understood it.  But you've worked at the Cancer Center there you got over 30 years of scientific experience in the area of Toxicology which is so important in our world today and you've been involved in vaccine work in the past specifically some concerns that you have about the COVID vaccine and how it might be affecting the reproductive system of individuals who get that shot let's jump off there what are your concerns?

4:57. Of course the first thing is that these have not been studied for any length of time that is suitable to determine the true harms that could come from using this technology which is gene therapy.   We've gotten to calling them the genetic vaccines.  They do have a vaccine technology in a manner that you are asking in your body to attack the immunogen that you're hijacking your cells to make based on the sequence that is injected in and travels to all the cells in your body.  The problem is is that it travels to all the cells in your body, and it crosses the blood brain barrier.  We see from the Pfizer bio-distribution that was obtained in a FOIA request from Japan that the lipid goes to really every compartment of the body but the endocrine glands and the bone marrow preferentially: so, the pituitary, spleen, the pancreas, the ovaries, the testes, and it takes up residence there in those cells.  And, of course, whatever cell takes up the genetic message will then start producing the spike protein, and all of these vaccines instruct the body to produce the spike protein and to display it on the surface of the cells.  But then we are also wanting our body to attack the spike protein to develop an immunological response, and the logical result of that is that we are asking our body to destroy the cells that are displaying the spike protein all over our bodies.  If those are preferential in the testes or the ovaries, there's a huge problem.  With that the Moderna bio-distribution study which is hidden in the pharmacokinetics section of their application to the EMA shows the same thing although they only used male rats.  So they do show the message going to the testes.  Now these experiments would take a day at most, and after they got this message going to the testes, do you think they set up another experiment with 5 or so female rats to see if it also went to the ovaries?  No, they didn't.  No they did not.  Why?  Why did they not do this?  And the other really weird part about the Moderna submission to the EMA and their studies is that they found lymphocytopenia they found thymic embolution.  They found a splenomegaly.  A 30% reduction in T cells following the administration of the vaccine.  And after every one of these things where they also found thrombosis, increase in clotting indicators . . . after all of these they said but we don't feel that this is relevant to humans.  But we don't feel that this is . . . without the second part of that statement what should have been, "because of X, Y, and Z."  Very weird.  

Bypassed ongoing animal studies basically introduced to a human population without any real long-term look about what this might mean.

Absolutely.  And they use the wrong species to study the wrong in points.  It's really only appropriate to use primates in your final studies in order to try to approximate what might happen in humans, unless you're going to use humans as a guinea pig, which it seems exactly what they are doing and had intended to do. Doctor's word in Eden doctors Roxanna Bruno and myself have been very concerned that there would be a cross reaction because they share a lot of the amino acids similarities similar to the spike protein and the reason it has been chosen is the immunogen and that is the only similarity between humans and Old World primates they did the reproductive studies in rodents well this isn't going to tell us anything because they don't have the same since it and protein and we did see in that study from Singapore that every single one of the 15 women that were examined and it had received the Pfizer vaccine developed Auto antibodies to hurt one's own


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