Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hypnotizing the Population With Verbal Repetition. Familiar With These?

And once they've got folks hypnotized, they adjust the narrative slightly from  "No one is safe until everyone is safe" to "The vaccines are safe and effective."  Did you see how they transpose a few words into a new phrase or onto a new topic, but keep those few words as a refrain for that new topic?  Clever.  Pay attention to this, for this stuff works against your reasoning and resistance.  The same fearmongering continues, while they up their techniques.  The repetition picks up the frequency, and you're left asking yourself, "Why the absurdity with this product?  But you've still not agreed to anything; in fact, you're becoming more intransigent against it.  It can be persuasive if done 24/7, day after day, week after week, month after month.  Initially, the techniques start out as pure persuasion.  That you can handle.  You're in control.  They don't make their case according to your standards, and so you've already ignored it before they're even finished.  What's the next step in the advertising? 

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