Monday, December 26, 2022

Well, no one is going to enjoy reading, listening, learning about this but it absolutely explains both the behavior of the Vaxx'd and their condition.  The only scientist and writer whom I've followed that has performed a relentless pursuit of what's happening on the cellular level and comparing that to other condition is the gentleman by the name of Walter M. Chestnut. No one is going to like this news.  I know I didn't. But I'd rather know than not know. 

So here is what Walter has found.

1)  The Spike Protein functions as a micro-tumor.  Lovely.

2) It creates at different sites of the body  instantaneous micro-metatastases. The only compound I've read that can reverse metastatases is IP6.

3)  Induction of tumor microenvirinment.  That's what LONG COVID is. 

4)  The aberrant signaling induced by the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 MIMICS PRECISELY the signaling found in Cancer Cachexia. Cancer Cachexia is cancer anorexia.

5)  Spike Protein causes THE EXACT SAME metabolic reprogramming and inflammation) inducing Cancer Cachexia cause an altered sense of taste and smell. Also, the same effects cause an atrophy of cardiac muscle and an increased energy consumption by the heart.


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