Wednesday, December 21, 2022


It wood be good if the vaccinated could be considerate of the unvaxx'd by doubling up on immune building compounds like vitamin D, C, zinc, Glutathione, Sulforaphane, Melatonin, and Lysine.  But they won't.  They don't feel any down regulation in their immunity so they keep on keepin' on. 

McCullough says that people who didn't get the vaccine didn't get it because they didn't want it.  Wow!  Revelatory.  No, they didn't get the vaccine because they probably had a previous condition that they knew the vaccine would kill them.

Why does McCullough dismiss shedding by breathing, sweating, exosomes?  Shedding occurs if you share a bathroom with a roommate.  The bacteria from the fecal matter is on the seat unless it is cleaned regularly.  Maybe 3 years from now he'll make a correction.

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