Friday, December 16, 2022

Bringing the national security state to heel means breaking up big tech . . . Big tech & the National Security state are the same entity focused on suppressing freedom

The whole Twitter disclosure makes me feel like some Ruskie in a Soviet outpost emerging from totalitarianism after decades of benighted stupor. 

I am amazed that this topic gets any traction anywhere.  Elon may not be your favorite person, but he certainly is shining a very bright light on the communist revolution that was operating at Twitter for as long as it had. 

And it makes me think that once the whole Russia interference hoax succeeded and lingered in the minds of the public after the 2016 elections, a successful hoax followed by a series of existential political attacks against Trump, not the least of being impeachment, the national security state saw their opportunity for an even more deadly and thorough assault on Trump and a clampdown on his populist, or peoples', movement.  They had motive, means, and opportunity.  That opportunity was the great reset.  They invented the motive: COVID-19.  And they've always had the means: propaganda.  Americans' ignorance of the history of vaccines, a history dominated by the positive PR from Jonas Salk, allowed the cultish preservation to rule in our daily lives.   

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