Saturday, December 17, 2022

UNCONFIRMED: Dr. Byram Bridle has been arrested in Canada for spreading misinformation

Dr. Robert Malone says reports of Bridle's arrest are untrue.


He says that Bridle was not arrested, is not in trouble with the law or any institution over misinformation or any other non-crime.  

Kirsch writes that

He asked me to broadcast to everyone that he’s alive and well and the police are not arresting him. He said, “Rumors of my arrest have been greatly exaggerated.”

He isn’t in any trouble with the law whatsoever. Not even close. Just the opposite.

I will have more details on this story soon. And you are going to LOVE it I promise you.

But he swore me to secrecy in the meantime.

But you will LOVE it when I break the news about what is really happening.

He said he’d call me as soon as I can say something.

Hint: It involves someone who I have written about in my Substack.

You’ll find out soon, probably in the next few days.

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