Friday, September 16, 2022


. . . If scientists are willing to put out a vaccine this corrupt, what makes you think that they wouldn't spend their time to put out data that would confuse you and make you not know what to believe about this vaccine.  What I'm saying is that we have to get to the point where we use our eyes, our ears, our brains, guys, to come to simple, deductive reasoning.  
They will come after you when you try to uncover the truth.  And also, it's very hard to speak out about the truth, and say, "Hey, maybe you should call a spade a spade here, and two plus two is four and the only thing that has changed in the past couple of months is the fact that everyone who took this vaccine.  You can't say that because there are no real studies for these correlations [and causations], and we suddenly have all of these extra deaths, and "we have no idea why, but we do know that it's not the vaccine," and that's the one thing they can tell you for sure.  

And we're waiting for people to print out data before we can come to conclusions.  . . . If scientists are willing to put out a vaccine this corrupt, what makes you think that they wouldn't spend their time to put out data that would confuse you and make you not know what to believe about this vaccine.  What I'm saying is that we have to get to the point where we use our eyes, our ears, our brains, guys, to come to simple, deductive reasoning.  We know that thousands have died already from the vaccines; we've seen that from the papers.  I'm convinced that millions have died . . . maybe a million to millions.  We know that some people died instantly from the vaccine.  We know that some cases are not reported when they happen.  I had a friend who died two weeks after taking the vaccine.  I know his case was not reported to VAERS.  And now you're talking about people who've died over a year after the vaccine.  I know these people are dying from the vaccine because don't tell me that 23-year-olds, who got the vaccine a year ago, are falling dead and it's due to "Sudden Death Syndrome." 

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