Friday, April 1, 2022

Kristina Lawson, the Chosen, Unaccountable Appointee to WEF Acolyte, Gavin Newsom

Standard politico move: demonize your opponents and avoid discussion. Wait, what's this? An argument for the COVID-19 vaccine, the deadliest vaccine in history? To say that she's out of touch doesn't quite capture it. She may be dispossessed of basic understanding of science and of debate.  In lieu of these, she resorts to name calling and demonizing the group as terrorists.  Nice touch, Kristina.  If she cannot allow for discussion with her adversaries but instead demonizes them without sufficient evidence, she should not be in a position of leadership and should make the right and moral decision and surrender the position to someone more qualified.  This is bad form, Mrs. Lawson.  

Problem us that these politicos treat the people they pretend to serve as debate opponents running for office.  Calling her adversary "bizarre" and "promotion of unproven medical treatments for COVID-19, oh, and to demonize citizens wanting to hold their government accountable with smears like "their participation in the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol" is the stuff of scum.  She's no health official  She's a goddamned appointee unaccountable to anyone but her WEF acolyte, Gavin Newsom. 

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