Wednesday, January 12, 2022


EducateInspireChange over at The Natural Health Page compiled a list of foods that can remove uranium and mercury from your organs and blood.  He writes, 

Here is a list of 10 foods that can be used to help protect your body against the harmful effects of radiation:


Helps remove heavy metals from the bloodstream. It draws lead, uranium, and mercury from your organs and blood which helps assist the kidneys in flushing out your system.

Red Beets

Studies have shown that beets can help aid the body in rebuilding damaged haemoglobin. With radiation exposure, haemoglobin gets broken down, so it is important to protect our blood systems at all costs. Eating beets has actually been found to help absorb and detox radioactive isotopes in studies with animals.


Dandelion is an amazing plant! Most of us don’t think twice when we rip them out of our lawns because they are considered “weeds” and not “aesthetically pleasing” but these plants are detox miracles. It helps keep free radicals at bay and ensures a healthy functioning liver (which ensures that toxins are properly eliminated from the body).

Apples & Sunflower Seeds

Apples and sunflower seeds contain high levels of pectin which helps to bind and remove radioactive residues from the body. Particularly, these two foods protect against caesium-137 which collects in the endocrine glands, pancreas, thymus, and heart. Caesium-137 emits gamma rays, as well as beta rays which are incredibly toxic to the cells in our body. Consuming plenty of apples, and a healthy amount of sunflower seeds is a perfect snack addition to your day and can help protect your body from radiation.

Burdock Root

This root helps remove radioactive isotopes from the body! Consuming 1-4 ounces (120-300 grams) of fresh burdock root, whether lightly cooked in a tea infusion or juiced using a juicer (this is the best method because raw is always best – enzymes are not destroyed) can help reverse and prevent the DNA damage done by radiation.

Leafy Greens

All greens contain the molecule chlorophyll which is incredibly alkaline and helps provide protection from radiation damage. Since the early 1950s, studies have proven the miraculous effects of chlorophyll and radiation. These effects are even greater when darker green vegetables like mustard greens, and alfalfa leaves as well as kale and collards are used. Consuming two or more green vegetables together gives the greatest radiation resistance.


Glucosides in buckwheat can help protect from radiation exposure if consumed before radiation exposure has occurred. Cereal grasses help to cleanse our bodies of radiation in a similar way that other green foods do like leafy greens (rich in chlorophyll) and blue-green algae.


A great way to protect and treat yourself from radiation is ginseng! Ginseng’s ability to help heal radiation damage is still being studied, but preliminary studies have pointed to the conclusion that it is a wonderful healing agent for any type of radiation exposure. Consuming between 100 to 200mg of ginseng twice per day was found to help speed up the recovery of individuals exposed to radiation (healing of bone marrow, skin, internal organs, and blood cells).


Compounds in rosemary fight against the mutagenic effects of radiation. Studies have shown that the carnosic acid and carnosol found in rosemary allow it to provide this anti-mutagenic effect. As well, rosemary was found in another study to be 3.34 times better at protecting against radiation effects than a variety of other compounds studied.

For each claim, he cites the following sources from LiveLoveFruit

Use apple pectin for radiation exposure. by Dr. Jimmy Scott.

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