Saturday, January 15, 2022


Wait, so the purported goal of this experiment into feminizing male rhesus macaque monkeys is to see the risks that transgender women might experience?  PETA explains, 

As reported on January 10, Anthony Fauci’s institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is—once again—wasting taxpayer money and harming animals. This time, it’s trying to create transgender monkeys. PETA has discovered that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded (to the tune of $205,562) a proposed experiment that will subject male rhesus macaques to feminizing hormone therapy to see whether that makes them more susceptible to HIV, purportedly to help transgender women. 

It's only $205k.  It's only 2 weeks.  It's just a mask.  It's just for your protection.  It's just to keep you safe.  The second you belittle any government program is when you hand over life and rights step by step.  So what's wrong with experimenting on monkeys?  Well, that depends on the testing and the results sought.  Why is the government spending your tax dollars on such a small portion of the population?  Transgender adults and young adults, even after a decade of LBGTQ propaganda made it . . . whatever, the population is infinitesimally small, approximately half a percent even in states where the majority of transgenders live.  

First, monkeys don't get HIV, so why would they be testing for this? 

Monkeys don’t get HIV, and after 40 years, hundreds of thousands of dead monkeys, billions of dollars, and no vaccines on the market, you’d think NIH would put funds into something that might actually work and could help humans.

Well, it looks like with its next statement, PETA is playing politics, perhaps the victim card, when it claims that "so little money is going to research on health issues for women . . . ," for it looks like the U.S. government through the NIH spends quite a lot of dollars, billions of them, in fact, hundreds of billions on women's health. 

Right now, so little money is going to research on health issues for women (both cis and transgender) that throwing away more than $200,000 is unethical as well as cruel. 

But PETA is correct in stating that the experiment is pointless and amounts to torture.  And this Elisabeth Murray sounds like another government ghoul that accepts the unethical position that the means justify the ends.  It's almost MKULTRA but with animals.

This is yet another pointless, wasteful monkey torture experiment, and it’s just as stupid as those done by NIH experimenter Elisabeth Murray, who brain-damages monkeys and then frightens them with plastic snakes and spiders. [experimenter? not quite the ringing condemnation.] NIH and its institutes need to fund modern, animal-free research—such as organs-on-chips and artificial intelligence—and stop tormenting animals.

I wonder if any organizations exist to help pull the plug on the funding of such pointless and cruel experiments and departments that are the black hole of government waste.  I guess PETA would be one of these organizations; maybe RFK, Jr.'s Children Defense Fund, too, might do this kind of work.  



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