Friday, December 31, 2021

CDC Sued For Withholding Post-Licensure V-Safe Data On COVID Vaccines


Wikipedia has been an active participant in the pro-lockdown government propaganda campaign


SCOTT ADAMS: When Digging Yourself a Hole, Stop!!

"Been around friends & family last 10 days. I get a phlegm-filled cough . . ."


"The peer reviewers and the editors of the medical journals don't get to see the data"

From Joe Rogan Interview, #1756

Regarding litigation surrounding Pfizer's arthritis drug, Bextra, Pfizer's behavior was so outrageous that I picked up the phone called the Department of Justice and said I know a lot about this drug but I can't tell you because I've signed a confidentiality agreement as an expert.  So the Dept. of Justice and the FBI sent me a subpoena and said that you must come with your computer and tell us what they did wrong, and I did.  6 months later, I read in the newspaper that the Department of Justice had found that the company had committed a felony and were dealt the largest fine in U.S. history, the largest criminal fine in U.S. history.  So I know what happened, but I can't tell you.  

The drug companies own the data of the clinical trials.  The peer reviewers and the editors of the medical journals don't get to see the data.  They have to take the word of the drug companies that they've presented the data accurately and reasonably completely.  And you only get to see it in litigation 5 years later.

So the data is only held by the pharmaceutical companies--they release their analysis of the data.  


Them the peer reviewers doing everything that was based on the analysis of the data by the pharmaceutical companies?


That's insane.

That's insane.

Rogan deliberately talks in circles.

His name is Dr. John Abramson, a Harvard Medical School Lecturer and National Drug Litigation Expert. 

“B+” Blood Types Linked to COVID-19 Severity and Fatal Outcomes"

CDC DOCUMENTS: Government knew all along that "COVID" or SARS-CoV-2, were simply cold viruses

The government, or the CDC who actually run the government, knew all along that "COVID" or SARS-CoV-2, were simply cold viruses, whose false numbers and monetized reporting they used to ignite into a pandemic and spook people into taking a poison that was sold as the exclusive cure to some novel virus.

The CDC also suspended data collection on the influenza for 2020-2021.  I'll bet that those of you who cited CDC cases, deaths, injuries, or recoveries to prove your point that we're in a serious crisis must feel like you got punked, eh?  I'll bet, too, that this does nit shake your faith in all the good that government does, am I right?  


Thursday, December 30, 2021




BROMELAIN: for red pain, swelling, nose, sinuses, gums; after surg or injury; osteoarthritis, cancer, & digestive problems and muscle soreness


Have there been vaccines worse than the current ones? No.

Already known to protect endothelium, Pycnogenol prevents deep vein thrombosis due to long flights

DR. ROBERT MALONE: US military-backed pioneer of mRNA vaccines and "Shill Extraordinaire"?

BARDA, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.  Jeez. 

DTRA, Defense Threat Reduction Agency.  

NEW RESEARCH: SARS-CoV-2 virus stays in organs for months . . . Can persist in vital organs in heart and brain

New research suggests COVID stays in the body for months.  There are plenty of reasons why you should avoid COVID-19.  One of these is the ability of the virus to stay in different parts of the body for months.  The new study suggests that it can persist in vital organs, including the heart and brain. 

Most infections are caused by bacteria and viruses.  Bacteria use the war of attrition to invade and destroy anything in their path.  Meanwhile, viruses use a more stealthy approach.  By hijacking host cells, viruses make more copies to conquer a host.  Full-blown invasion becomes known once new viral copies burst out of infected cells.  That said, a new study revealed that SARS-CoV-2 may linger inside vital human organs after infection.  It suggested that after recovering from COVID-19, the virus may spread and persist in the respiratory tract and nearly every other organ for months.  In the preprint published on Research Square, researchers at the US National Institutes of Health showed the “most comprehensive analysis to date” of SARS-CoV-2’s persistence in the human body.  The team autopsied 44 patients who died either from or with COVID-19.  They did the procedure to map and quantify the distribution of the coronavirus across the body.  According to The Hill, principal investigator Daniel Chertow said, along with his colleagues, that the RNA from the virus was found in patients for up to 230 days after symptom onset: that’s around 7 and ½ months.  What they found in this study might explain why some patients experience long-COVID.  The persistence isn’t exclusive to severe cases.  Researchers also found that the virus replicated in different organ systems in those who only had mild COVID-19.  All 44 autopsied cases were confirmed with detectable SARS-CoV-2 in 79 of 85 anatomical areas and body fluids sampled.  Based on that research, SARS-CoV-2 can reach the muscles, intestines, glands, and lymphatic areas.  It looks like the Coronavirus is seeding body-wide to deliver maximum damage to its host. 

Here is The Hill article cited in the presentation, dated December 27, 2021.  RNA from the virus was found up to 230 days after symptom onset.  It has been reported that Lysine halts the coronavirus.  

"Body protects the core as long as possible"

"Along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, Rodgers was treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies, zinc, and vitamins C and D."

Not completely sure how the marketing of Ivermectin works against the vaccine campaign, but clearly if Ivermectin's reputation survives as a cure for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and or COVID, wouldn't that throw into question the origin story of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID from being a virus that originated in some exotic wet market out of China to that of a parasitic worm contracted from some unclean source?  If Ivermectin is a horse dewormer or a dewormer of any kind and it works to cure COVID 100%, wouldn't that make the cause of COVID not a virus but a parasite?  When they claim dewormer, they're conceding that the cause of COVID is a parasitic worm. 

The tweet below comes from World Net Daily covering Aaron Rodgers's recent interview with Pat McAfee.  Author Art Moore explains that 

Along with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, Rodgers was treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies, zinc, and vitamins C and D. The Packers star told McAfee the treatment was recommended by podcaster and friend Joe Rogan, who recovered quickly from his own bout with COVID-19.

"I'm not some uneducated person who's throwing stuff out there," Rodgers said. "If you want to rip on me because I took horse dewormer, and whatever else you want to talk about, that's fine. But I also got better in 48 hours. And I had symptoms." 

Back in October 2021, Dr. Judy Mikovits called the vaccines a synthetic virus. More recently, we've learned that it is a synthesis if virus and parasite.  What an awful combination.  

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Every Official Who Said Vaccine Would Stop Transmission Was Wrong

gut permeability is correlated to multi system inflammatory response.

Roundup is sprayed on almost all non organic crops. R

It gets into the water supply from runoff and rain and is able to get into organic foods, as well as meats and sea life. R R

In the past 20 years, the use of glyphosate has increased 6504% (from 1991 to 2010). R

Its found in 93% of Americans' urine. R

Thanks Monsanto! /s

Since glyphosate (like atrazine) acts as an herbicide, antibiotic, pesticide, and anti-parasitic, it can kill the plants that it is sprayed on. R 

This has has led to the need to create genetically modified (GMO) roundup-r

Top 10 inbound vs. top 10 outbound US states in 2021

GOVERNMENT-OWNED, DELTA AIRLINES to the CDC: Please? May we please run our company the way we want?

The Spike Protein by itself is toxic and causes mutation by inhibiting DNA repair



Administration for Childrens Service has enormous legal and political power.  

Be sure to hear what the nurse said at the 6:11 mark.  Healthcare don't think, can't question, and if they do they're probably reprimanded, written up, maybe transferred, put on leave of absence, even fired so that they can come to a realization that their questions or concerns or doubts are properly remediated.  

Here is a transcript of the documentary along with articles by the producers of the documentary.  Don't miss this documentary.  Fauci murdered kids and 200,000 young people according to Robert F. Kennedy in his interview with Dr. Tom Woods, and untold millions of Americans.  And be sure to review this page for additional articles on the crimes of AIDS treatments.

Stay informed. 

The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine has been found to contain Trypsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins


Just 9 deaths triggered an immediate shutdown of the 1976 nationwide vaccine program ... for a swine flu virus with a higher CFR than SARS-CoV2

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"mRNA leaks into your organs, and your heart muscles and your liver, and your lungs begin to produce these damp proteins . . ."

Pfizer Going After Kids Because they Need the Liability Insurance

EADES: We Evolved BECAUSE We Ate Meat

27:00  on the section titled, Agriculturalist vs. Hunter-Gatherers, Eades talks about tooth decay with farming.  Hunters had tooth loss in old age.   They used their teeth as tools a lot more than farmers did.  More farmers infected than hunter-gatherers.  

"The adoption of agriculture, supposedly our most decisive step toward a better life, was in many ways a catastrophe from which we have never recovered."  --Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel, 1997.

Strong Medicine, Blake F. Donaldson, and Charles Gordon Heyd, 1962.

The 1995 Expensive-Tissue Hypothesis, coauthored by Leslie E. Aiello and Peter Wheeler, asserts that

The expensive tissue hypothesis relates brain and gut size in evolution. It suggests that in order for an organism to evolve a large brain without a significant increase in basal metabolic rate, the organism must use less energy on other expensive tissues; the paper introducing the ETH suggests that in humans, this was achieved by eating an easy-to-digest diet and evolving a smaller, less energy-intensive gut.  

At the 33:10 mark, Aedes cites a passage from Arno Karlen's book, Napoleon's Glands and Other Ventures in Biohistory, 1985.  
Blood vessel disease was common, contrary to assumptions that it rises from urban stress and a modern high-fat diet.  

At 33:55, he starts on the ancient Egyptian diet.  The Egyptian diet was completely and totally wrapped up in wheat.  In the Louvre, they had so many Egyptian sculptures with people making bread.  Bread-making was so important in ancient Egypt.  It was the staple of the ancient Egyptian diet.  It was coarse, ground, whole wheat bread and it was emmer wheat.  They sprinkled sand in it because it made it rise more easily.  And then they tried to sift the sand out but they were never successful.  We'll see the results of that in a second.  They even had ads back then that said, "Buy Joe's Bread: It Has Less Sand," because the sand in the bread was a common thing, and it really ground down their teeth.  And their fondness for bread was so well-known that the bread-eating Egyptians were called "Artophagoi," or "Eaters of Bread."  Their military was rationed 4 pounds of bread a day.  This was stone-ground, whole wheat bread. They ate fish, duck, and other waterfowl along the river, but their whole economy was based around wheat.  Their primary carbohydrates were: 

Carbohydrates:  Bread, Fruits, Vegetables, Honey, 

Oils:  Olive, Flaxseed, Safflower, Sesame

Meat: Occasional red meat. 

This was exactly the Dean Ornish Diet, the diet that nutritionists would put us on to prevent heart disease, obesity, diabetes, all the diseases of civilization.  

37:25  The hieroglyphics of Egyptians were lean and svelte; they looked like they were stick-thin.  But their statuary shows a different picture.  Egyptian men had gigantomastia, big breasts, they got boobs and big bellies from the phytoestrogen in all the wheat that they eat because they all have it.  More so than the women.  

Sir Marc Armand Ruffer found heart disease among mummies,
I cannot therefore at present give any reason why arterial disease should have been so prevalent in Ancient Egypt.  I think, however, that it is interesting to find that it was common and that three thousand years ago it represented the same anatomical characteristics as it does now.    --Sir Marc Armand Ruffer

Ebers Papyrus, 1550 BC

Hatshepsut, 1500, hunter queen.  

At the very end of his presentation, Eades cites a website called  Check it out.  

Consider whence the first shot came

Consider whence the first shot came, then ask yourself, "Would you get ot take anything offered by such a sick psychopath even if your employer mandated it?" 


NEW YORK: Allows Governor to imprison anyone she deems a threat to public health


Monday, December 27, 2021

LOUISIANA NURSE: More Children Die from the JAB than COVID

JOHN CULLEN: "I testified to a Citizen's Grand Jury arranged by Larry E. Klayman, founder of JudicialWatch & a former DOJ prosecutor.

By means of introduction to the Grand Jury 30 years ago, John Cullen worked at Oracle as a program manager that put together the mapping system that John Hopkins University has been using to track the Coronavirus.  That's his software.  He built it, and early on during the outbreak just using the map, this is the JH official map I noticed there were 10 dead in Bejing.  And so his testimony is going to build on the foundational testimony of Dr. Mikovits.  This is data to support their testimony.  

His observations, he's a quantitative analysis.  He looks at data and renders it understood quickly.  The John Hopkins reports So Cullen started thinking more deeply about what Dr. Judy Mikovits said is that the virus itself, the SARS-Co-V2 virus, and the sickness that we're seeing in the hospitals, asked if that connection has been made?  And so he dug deeper.  What he found was at the CDC's website, the United States was going through a dramatic influenza outbreak.  In fact, at the beginning of the first week, the first week of January of 2020, 4,000 people a week from what's called PNI, pneumonia & influenza, and this was unprecedented.  We never saw anything like this before.  And this was before Coronavirus hit.  And so I was a bit taken aback, and I said, "Wait a second."  Then what happened?  This looks like the worst outbreak of influenza we've ever seen, and, in fact, it was.  What the data shows is that the 2019-2020 influenza season in the United States, according to the CDC, was the worst in history.  The question is--can two viruses spread at the same time?  Why not, right?  Could people have Coronavirus and herpes?  Sure, why not, right?  Could some people have Coronavirus and other people have influenza?  Sure, why not?  We know what the influenza outbreak looked like before Coronavirus arrived.  Let's go to the next slide.  What you're looking at here [16:45] is the CDC's Mortality Data.  So this is different than the upfront surveillance.  This is people who died.  And what we see here, this goes all the way back to October 2016 to the present day, right?  And this is direct from the CDC.  And what you see here is on the right-hand side it's much bigger than its ever been.  Let's go down to the next page . . . .  In Time Magazine of January 2020, telling us this is the worst influenza season the CDC has ever seen.  And Dr. Fauci told us that 80,000 people died in 2017, so that would mean that this was even worse.  So this is Time Magazine, this was published in January 2020, and I would like to enter this into evidence, Mr. Klayman, if this is possible, that this is Time Magazine telling us that this is the worst influenza season the United States has ever seen.  

DR. NATHAN THOMPSON: Bloodwork on Vaxxed Patients Is TERRIFYING

COVID Vaccination Effects on the Immune System

Find Dr. Nathan Thompson's Twitter page here.   

"[From] the flu of 1918, . . . life expectancy fell by 11 years. From 2019 to 2020, the decline was 1.8 years."


Okay, a little challenging finding this recent survey of autopsies.  Examinations and analyses were done back on September 20, 2021 of this year and found that 

fine tissue analyses were performed by pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang. The findings confirm Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher’s finding that among more than 40 corpses he autopsied who had died within two weeks of COVID19 vaccination, approximately one-third of those deaths were caused by the vaccination.

A proven first line of attack to redress auto-immune disease is magnesium, yes, that simplest, most basic of minerals.  It quells inflammation.  That's first and proven.    

"too many shots might actually harm the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus"

In answer to the greater good argument, keep this in mind, 

Who's the Head of the FDA now, Lil' Wayne?

integrin binding sequences on the spike are promoting inflammatory lymphocytes migration into tissues, an activity the body uses in trauma,

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Vaccinating for Omicron Would Spell Disaster

the more a country vaccinates the less reliable the data it shares becomes.


PUTIN: The Happiness of Fatherhood & Motherhood Are More Important than Financial Wellbeing

"What the drug industry does is it fulfills the criteria for organized crime in U.S. law. "

Peter C. Gotzsche, MD, cofounded the Cochrane Collaboration

1.  Prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer.  

2.  Our drugs kill around 200,000 people in America every year, and half of these people die while they do what their doctors told them.  So they die because of the side effects.  The other half die because of errors, and it's often the doctor who makes the errors because any drug may come with 20, 30, 40 warnings, contraindications, precautions, and so on.  No doctor in the world knows about all this.  So they give patients drugs that they should not have given them that interact with other drugs or food items, and so on.  That's the other half.  

3.  So, the other thing I found out two years ago was that what the drug industry does is it fulfills the criteria for organized crime in U.S. law.  And they behave in many ways like the mafia does.  They corrupt everyone they can corrupt.  They have bought every type of person even including ministers of health in some countries.  There is a huge amount of corruption.  For example, in my country, Denmark, we are regarded as having very little corruption but yet we have thousands of doctors on industry payrolls although we are just 20,000 doctors.  So this is an effective kind of corruption.  The drug industry buys the professors first, then chiefs of departments, chief physicians, of course.  They don't buy junior doctors.  So when several thousands are on industry payroll, it's really bad.  And that's why I wrote my book, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, Peter C. Gotzsche, 2013. 


Saturday, December 25, 2021


Did you change the meaning of Life-Jacketed?

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

"Nicotine protects from Spike Protein, activates [and] restores cholinergic function which is needed for breathing, hearing, seeing, & bowel

nAChR stands for 

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are receptor polypeptides that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Nicotinic receptors also respond to drugs such as the agonist nicotine. ... In the immune system, nAChRs regulate inflammatory processes and signal through distinct intracellular pathways.

Cholinergic function is

ubiquitous in the human central nervous system. Their high density in the thalamus, striatum, limbic system, and neocortex suggest that cholinergic transmission is likely to be critically important for memory, learning, attention and other higher brain functions. Several lines of research suggest additional roles for cholinergic systems in overall brain homeostasis and plasticity. As such, the brain's cholinergic system occupies a central role in ongoing research related to normal cognition and age-related cognitive decline, including dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.

"Omicron is a God-send because it is chasing all the more virulent strains away . . ."

"130K-180K US deaths can be attributed to vaccination between February and August of 2021"

Don’t die.  Take vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, all B vitamins, quercetin, and others.  Don’t die.  You must survive! 

PURPURA FROM EXPOSURE TO VACCINE SHEDDING? The vaccinated know not one thing about the vaccine they took

If you are vaccinated, it is incumbent upon you to keep the virus that is now in your body from spreading or shedding, or transmitting.  You do this by taking nutritional supplements--vitamins D, C, zinc, A, B, E, magnesium, and others.  Yes, this is a real thing.  Get a multivitamin.  People everywhere are getting infected from the vaccinated.  You've got to suppress the infectious ratio in your own body first so that you're not the cause of grief in someone else.  If you’ve attended a gathering with a sibling, that is even more likely that you’ll shed.  For this reason, you are obligated to do a few things.  One, tell people you’ve been vaccinated and tell them that the vaccines shed.  Your doctor didn’t tell you.  Your pharmacist didn’t’ tell you.  No one told you.  That information is not on the information insert to the vaccine vial, but this is a real thing.  Pfizer’s own documents do document this, highlighting specific risks to women where their menstruation wreaks havoc on them.  But you’re a man, and they don’t share anything regarding men.  For this reason, stay away from folks who are vaccinated.  If you have a family member who has been vaccinated, stay away from them.  Not forever but for at least 4 months; that’s how long their transmissibility lasts, actually 4-7 months.  People who don’t know this will make fun of you online in social media if you mention this, but there is information about shedding online.  Search "exosomes" and or "passive immunization" on DuckDuckGo.  That’s how the viral particles are shed--through exosomes; these act like pheromones.  And the likelihood of shedding rises if you're a genetic match to those around you.  By genetic match, I mean family: more specifically, siblings.  You need to tell people.  You may not have been given a choice, but you must rectify that helplessness and grievance by giving others a choice if they want to risk catching vaccinated COVID passively from you. 

For solutions, search exosomes at Jennifer Depew, who is a Registered Dietician with excellent knowledge of chemistry.  You know, I haven't found a search window on her site, so you can just use this, " and Exosomes." 

Jennifer has a few other sites:  Twitter, Transcending Square, &

Okay, so which vitamins help to resolve purpura?  Vitamin C, Hesperidin/Diosomin, and Rutin.  

Dan Andrews, Dictator Dan has finally succumbed to his own power.

I don’t know how I missed this one.  This is dated back to November 9, 2021, and it comes to you from Forbidden Knowledge.  

Simeon Boykoff, aka the Aussie Cossack, suspects that Victoria Premier Dan Andrews will face the same political fate as Romanian Communist leader, Nicolae Ceaușescu. He says:

“Now, if Dan is listening to this, you better quickly, Dan seek refugee status. Go to your nearest Chinese embassy or consulate. Maybe the Chinese will take you, because you’ve obviously been working for them all this time…

“It seems that Dan Andrews, Dictator Dan has finally succumbed to his own power. He’s pushed the people that hard, that it’s no longer a question of Right Wing, Left Wing; no longer a question of race, color, political persuasion. Everybody is out on the streets and Melbournians, you’re doing this for the whole country…

“Something awesome is happening in Melbourne. Melbourne, which is the most locked-down city in the world, officially, Melbourne has been overtaken by Australians. 

This Dan Andrews, cocaine-snorting, Dan?   

"The invention seems to be intracellular which means antibodies aren't that helpful"

MUST-LISTEN: As predictive models were wrong, countries did not adjust their mitigation measures accordingly . . .

"Hospitals are the worse source of infection"

I call hospitals abattoirs for obvious reasons.  Abattoirs with names of saints out on the facade. 


The Zelenko Protocol is here.  

You can order Ivermectin through this site,, and pick it up at your local pharmacy.  

AUTOPSIES: VIRUSES ARE INTRACELLULAR. Zinc Ionosopheres [like Quercetin] Help Identify Cells with Present Pathogen


Paxlovid is sold as an anti-viral that will put the brakes on SARS-CoV-2.  Wasn't that what the vaccines were designed to do?  It is manufactured by Pfizer which has a disastrous track record on health.  I wouldn't trust them to make laundry detergent.  If you hear this name, tell your doctor or nurse or whomever is offering it to you to go away.  It's prescribed under other names as well, so be vigilant: Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir.  I resent how Pfizer's marketing inserts "lov" in its name in an effort to make it sound like a trusted form of relief.  It's not trusted, like most of Pfizer products.  Read the excerpt below. For now, read this: 

[It] is an investigational SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor antiviral co-packaged with ritonavir authorized for emergency use for the treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19 to prevent severe illness which can lead to hospitalization and death.

It's deceptive.  If you think they're being transparent, talk to all the folks who took their vaccine and developed blood clots throughout their bodies.  Don't fall for it.  Step away from this drug.  Focus on the burning sensations of the "t's" and the "v's" and the "r's" in those two names.  Don't get burned. explains it thus:

Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir [PF-07321332] tablets and ritonavir tablets) is an investigational SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor antiviral co-packaged with ritonavir authorized for emergency use for the treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19 to prevent severe illness which can lead to hospitalization and death.
Paxlovid contains the novel antiviral nirmatrelvir (PF-07321332) which works by blocking the activity of SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro), also known as SARS-CoV2 3CL protease, an enzyme that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 needs to replicate. Co-administration with low dose ritonavir helps slow the metabolism of nirmatrelvir allowing it to remain active in the body for longer periods of time at higher concentrations to help combat the virus.