Monday, September 16, 2024

“A university professor came out and said if you were reading to your kids, you are unfairly disadvantaging others.” YEAH, THAT'S THE POINT.

BRETT PIKE: Potassium Bromate has been shown to cause testicular tumors in rats so it is banned as a food additive in Europe, but in the United States the FDA allows it and classifies it as "Generally Recognized As Safe." What do you think? Is it safe enough for your balls?

So I was researching food ingredients that are banned in Europe but are legal in the United States, and I came across potassium bromate, which study after study has shown to be harmful to animals, including being linked to testicular tumors in rats.  But in America, they can put it in bread to make it more fluffy because the FDA classified it as "Generally Recognized As Safe," or GRAS. And then I show people how many ingredients are in the bread they buy at grocery stores.  Even if they don't use potassium bromate, does this look right to you?  So then I compared it to the organic bread that I typically buy and even in that, look at how many ingredients go into it.  So I did more research, and I came across Berlin's Natural Bakery in Ohio.  No GMO.  Made with organic flower, and it's a private company currently run by Cindy.  She is an adult now, but it was started by her grandparents.  This is so cool because even the stuff that you get at the grocery store is actually owned by the mega Corporation, Flowers Foods, the same company that owns Wonder Bread.  70% of their company is owned by institutional investors, like Vanguard Group, Inc., BlackRock, Inc., and State Street.  So [Dave's Killer Bread] is essentially owned by Vanguard but Cindy at Berlin's Natural Bakery it's on my post if she could send me bread but I thought that was super cool so I said yes, send it.  So she sent me three loaves of bread and one loaf of angel food cake and look at this ingredient list:  

Organic Whole Grain Sprouted Spelt (wheat) flour, Filtered Water, Organic Whole Grain Sprouted Spelt (wheat) flour, and sea salt.  

And that's it.  Compare that to this _____________.. Or even to Dave's Killer Bread.  Which do you think is better for you?

CHRIS MASTERJOHN: If you care about your mitochondrial function and your longevity, you need to care about SULFUR. If you have psychiatric, neurological, or gastrointestinal problems, you need to triple down on your sulfur.

My Sulfur Protocol by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Sulfur is key to psychiatric, neurologic, and gastrointestinal issues, and central to mitochondrial function and longevity. Optimize it now.

Read on Substack


TOM WOODS: This is what you should do if losers from the regime like this show up

Remember, if you don't exercise your Liberty once in awhile, the Government will assume you're done with it.  --Matt Beebe 

Thank you to Tom Woods.   

Kauffman says, 

People sometimes ask me how I have the confidence to do this and the answer is that I practiced. 
Practice asserting your rights in minor situations and it will continue to get easier. 
For example, do it at DUI checkpoints or at border control when re-entering the US.