Friday, February 14, 2014

California Drought Forecasts Higher Prices

Clean Your Liver with Food

Clearly the one organ in your body that needs cleansing the most is your liver.  Without a periodic cleanse, fatigue and illness can set in.  The Chinese believe the liver and its function is more vital to life than your heart and your brain.  One can survive injuries to the heart and the brain, but if you're liver is injured watch out.  It is the biggest organ in your body.  And it is responsible for such life-enhancing functions and allows all the other organs and systems in your body to function well.  This is why if the liver is sick, all the other organs in your system will perform poorly.  For this reason, cleansing has its purpose--to keep you healthy and energetic.
Not only does garlic clean the liver, it also relieves high blood pressure.  It's nature's most potent antibiotic and it improves memory.  What's not to like?

But how does one clean the liver?  Maybe you're not into those deep-clay cleansings or enemas or juice purges.  There's got to be a way to cleanse an organ without destroying your routine.  There are foods that you can eat on a regular basis that can clean your liver continuously without having to be home-bound or put in an outpatient care.  That list is here.

1.  Garlic
2.  Grapefruit
3.  Beets and Carrots
4.  Green Tea
5.  Leafy Green Vegetables
6.  Avocados
7.  Apples
8.  Olive oil
9.  Cabbage
10. Lemons & Limes
11. Walnuts
12. Tumeric

I have at different times tried each of the items in that list, not specifically to cleanse my liver but rather to create an overall anti-oxidant effect.  The one for me that seemed to really boost my liver and make me feel good was raw, uncapsulized turmeric. Brussel sprouts and cabbage and spinach have each had a nice effect, but it was the raw turmeric that gave me a wonderfully feeling of relaxation and healing my body as I slept through the night.
Dr. Edward Group recommends a full liver cleanse.  He explains it here.  "Other liver cleanse foods not listed above include artichoke, asparagus, kale, and brussel sprouts.  Eating the foods listed above is a great way to help keep your liver functioning properly.  However, for best results, I recommend a liver cleanse.  Performing a liver cleanse at least twice a year will eliminate any foreign substances that may be trapped in your liver.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Health Food Humor. Thank You Sid Caesar!!!

I don't like the end of eras, but certainly Sid Caesar's passing closes one more window on my parents' era.  Wikipedia has some good quotations from the greats who worked with and wrote for Caesar.  

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Four people close to me have had severe bronchitis this winter.  I got it from one of them.  I was miserable.  Had phlegm.  Had debilitating fever. Coughed non-stop.  A few remedies have helped. One is lemon, the rind and flesh, and juice of the lemon.  I'd slice up a lemon and eat it, skin and all.  Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C but their skin is high in hesperidin, an excellent blood vessel toner.  The vitamin C will help bring your immune system into healthier balance, not to mention that it's a decent detoxer of your stomach.  
To clear your lungs, maybe the best thing that I've seen work directly on the phlegm is a pot of boiling water.
The steam will break up the congested phlegm and separate it from tissue.  You will breathe easier and you will notice the immediate benefits of having more oxygen available to your brain and different parts of your body--arms, legs, shoulders, etc.  Also, the steam will restore hydration to your skin, your lungs, and sinus cavity.  Being sick dehydrates us. Drinking enough water is important for greater function of our internal system when we need it the most.  So hydrate with steam.
The other remedy I found that works is unsweetened yogurt without all that junk, like corn starch.  What the hell is corn starch doing in yogurt? But whole milk, unsweetened yogurt does magnificent work to improve your digestion and rebuild your immunity.  Prebiotics like sauerkraut, kimchi, dill pickles are also excellent prebiotics that will detox you in relieving ways.   As you know already that 80% of your immunity is the aggregate result of your gut flora.  In addition to yogurt, raw butter does wonders too to bring energy back into the various systems in your body.
Oh, and zinc. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Balance Your pH With These Foods
Having a system and a diet with balanced pH values is an important health topic.  Because we're talking about such small numbers, the importance of this topic tends to get lost.  But it is easier to monitor than you think.  All forms of life have pH and when taken in aggregate the pH value of your body can provide a background profile of either health or disease.  Every food has a pH value.  So does water. So does the soil.   pH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14.  A pH measurement of 0 means that your body at the time of the measurement is acidic.  A measurement of 7 is ideal.  And a measurement far above 7, between 9 and 14 means that your body is too alkaline.  There are quick remedies as well as remedies that you can integrate into your diet.  One quick remedy for a high acidic body is to take one teaspoon of baking soda.  If you're in the habit of eating a lot meat, one teaspoon once a week is enough to put your body back into balance.  Your muscles will relax, too.  So if you've got lactic acid build up in your joints from vigorous exercise in the week, a teaspoon of baking soda will relieve that. So baking soda is a quick remedy.  Not something you want or can incorporate into your daily regime.  Baking soda is a powerful health product.  Research has proven that baking soda eliminates--that's right, eliminates--diabetes.  It also destroys kidney tumors.  One more point about baking soda.  It is so healthy for the kidneys that it literally helps people on dialysis get off of dialysis.  So keep a box of baking soda around for yourself.  It's not just for your drains.

Natural Society's Elizabeth Renter argues that "keeping pH levels in check is something a healthy body does naturally. All life has a pH level, from the soil to the food to water, that helps keep a body healthy and balanced. When we eat foods that are highly acidic, for example, our body works to correct it, bringing it into alignment with our own pH balance. Ph levels are measured on a scale of 0 to 14. 7.0 is neutral and preferable.  0 is completely acidic and toxic.  14 is completely alkaline and not good for you either.  According to Christina Sarich, your blood needs to be slightly alkaline with a pH somewhere between 7.35 and 7.45.  For a comprehensive list of foods with their pH values, please see this.
Generally, foods high in alkalinity tend to be those foods that you've read or known that have great health benefits to begin with.  And though there is some dispute on the exact pH value, I think that the value indicated is within range.  One food that I've heard raved about for its alkalinity is pineapple.  I'd read that pineapple has a pH value of 6.7, pretty close to that ideal range of 7.0.  But the chart that I linked to states that pineapple has a much lower pH value.  That chart may be referring to canned pineapple or maybe pineapple juice.  It does not state clearly "fresh pineapple."  Fresh pineapple that you have to slice may indeed have a higher pH of 6.7.  Still, it is pretty good, has lots of enzymes to help us digest protein, and it tastes good.