Friday, February 14, 2014

Clean Your Liver with Food

Clearly the one organ in your body that needs cleansing the most is your liver.  Without a periodic cleanse, fatigue and illness can set in.  The Chinese believe the liver and its function is more vital to life than your heart and your brain.  One can survive injuries to the heart and the brain, but if you're liver is injured watch out.  It is the biggest organ in your body.  And it is responsible for such life-enhancing functions and allows all the other organs and systems in your body to function well.  This is why if the liver is sick, all the other organs in your system will perform poorly.  For this reason, cleansing has its purpose--to keep you healthy and energetic.
Not only does garlic clean the liver, it also relieves high blood pressure.  It's nature's most potent antibiotic and it improves memory.  What's not to like?

But how does one clean the liver?  Maybe you're not into those deep-clay cleansings or enemas or juice purges.  There's got to be a way to cleanse an organ without destroying your routine.  There are foods that you can eat on a regular basis that can clean your liver continuously without having to be home-bound or put in an outpatient care.  That list is here.

1.  Garlic
2.  Grapefruit
3.  Beets and Carrots
4.  Green Tea
5.  Leafy Green Vegetables
6.  Avocados
7.  Apples
8.  Olive oil
9.  Cabbage
10. Lemons & Limes
11. Walnuts
12. Tumeric

I have at different times tried each of the items in that list, not specifically to cleanse my liver but rather to create an overall anti-oxidant effect.  The one for me that seemed to really boost my liver and make me feel good was raw, uncapsulized turmeric. Brussel sprouts and cabbage and spinach have each had a nice effect, but it was the raw turmeric that gave me a wonderfully feeling of relaxation and healing my body as I slept through the night.
Dr. Edward Group recommends a full liver cleanse.  He explains it here.  "Other liver cleanse foods not listed above include artichoke, asparagus, kale, and brussel sprouts.  Eating the foods listed above is a great way to help keep your liver functioning properly.  However, for best results, I recommend a liver cleanse.  Performing a liver cleanse at least twice a year will eliminate any foreign substances that may be trapped in your liver.

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