Saturday, February 1, 2025

In 1994, George Soros got the plan rolling, by funding the so-called Project on Death in America, a massive retraining program for healthcare professionals, aimed at normalizing euthanasia, assisted suicide, withholding of treatment, and other forms of medical killing.


BUTLEROFTHANOS: SCOTUS ruled in 1982 that cities and states couldn't deny access to public schools based on immigration status, forcing schools into having to accept illegal aliens ever since.


Citizens are scratching their heads trying to find out what so many undocumented Mexicans have been living in the United States for two to three decades unchecked and unenforced.  One, there is nothing to enforce because the Supreme Court provides for or guarantees illegal aliens to an education.  

DAVID ICKE: They are transferring the power from official government to corporate oligarchy while deleting regulation to impose a tyranny with even less oversight.

Thank you to Polly St George: Documenting Bread and Circuses.

The Great Poisoning, 1995-2025

Actions people can take: 

Cost of capital.  Big banks pay 0% or 1%, or getting bailed out and getting capital for free, whereas most Americans are paying 17% + on their credit cards and high prices on their mortgage.  Now I dare say, if your neighbor could buy all the homes in your neighborhood for 0% or 1%, and you had to pay 5% to 7% on your mortgage, you know what's going to happen after many years, Del, right?  

El Salvador prison under the rule of President Bukele

President Bukele is introducing productive measures to reforming El Salvador's criminal justice system.