Friday, November 1, 2024

DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP: The sperm of inoculated men don't swim. The eggs of inoculated women do not grow into embryos

I've been in touch with my colleague, Carrie Madej who's been in touch with fertility clinics.  They've never seen anything like it.  The sperm of inoculated men don't swim.  The eggs of inoculated women do not grow into embryos, and those that do have a huge amount of contamination with stuff that's not organic.  What's going on here?

We also know that according to the first New England Journal of Medicine study saying that Pfizer was safe and effective, this was June of 2021, if you look at the raw data, it proves that 80% of the women who get the shot in the first and second trimester basically, 0-20 weeks, have an 80% miscarriage rate.  Now the miscarriage rate just baseline is 1 in 6.  It's now 7 to 8 times that much.  Dr. James Thorpe points out that there's a 79% increase in fetal mail formations there are unprecedented numbers of stillbirths.  But again this stuff becomes so censored that the mainstream says oh no that's a lie you're making that up we also just published MyCycleStory which many scientists, including Dr. [Brian] Hooker here, where he had a database of over 6,000 women that came forward because your voices were being silenced.  We had a group of about 20,000 women on Facebook who were talking about their experience with their menstrual cycles.  They've never seen anything like it.  90-year-olds were bleeding again, and we're not talking about mild bleeding, we're talking clotting.  I had women calling me who had been passing clots for weeks and weeks.  We have two VAERS cases of little girls, 18-month old girls, who hemorrhaged and died.  In MyCycleStory, so we had over 6,000 women.  Then we looked at the baseline rate of what's called "decidual cast shedding," decidual cast, passing of a decidual cast.  That is where the entire inside of the uterus is just a shed all at once as a piece.  It looks just like a plaster cast of the uterus.  In our data as I recall, it was 269 women who reported this.  Most of our original database women who hadn't even had the shot it's doing something to the coagulation pathways in the body.  That is just the tip of the iceberg.  You know, I keep thinking that when these young women realize they will never be able to get pregnant because they have that shot, I mean the whole horror of it is unimaginable. 

Trump's rise in the polls is Russian interference, right? Hmm. Commie interference, more like it


In other words, the ISAF commander, who, in executing “population-centric COIN,” the doctrine that valued (Afghan) population protection over (U.S.) force protection, is probably responsible for more Dismounted Complex Blast Injuries (dismembered US soldiers) than any other commander in history has endorsed the coup of the coup, Kommie-la.

ISAF is the International Security Assistance Force.  

"I would love to be able to live on a homestead and go and milk my cow, take the eggs out of the chicken coop and have one baby in my belly and on my hip and another toddler behind me"

OWEN BENJAMIN: Free will cannot be taken, it has to be given.

My prediction. Trump wins and they attempt to nullify it with the 14th Amendment [Section 3]. It disqualifies former officials if they took part in an insurrection.
It will hurt more if it’s after he wins. Especially if it’s a landslide.
It will appear that the people's choice is being rejected by an invisible cabal of baby-eating reptiles. This will be intended to create hopelessness and break apart families.
This will be fought about for years and will offer Americans an excuse to be unproductive miserable and resentful. This is an offer, it’s always an offer. If you accept it and people don’t want to hang around you anymore and you get fired it’s not the “deep state.”
I warned everyone not to take part in January 6th. I called that Biden may win and they would make it look like it was obviously stolen to create an animalistic blowback.
If you realize that the fact is this presentation is for social engineering you will see how it works better. Free will cannot be taken it has to be given.
People who crave power and who don’t possess the qualities that make people want to give them authority have to trick people into acting like miserable pigs so they can get it by default.
It’s why despair, sin, vulgarity, wrath, and greed are pushed. If you become animalistic you lose your authority.
Hope that helps. Not trying to sound like a “know it all” because I’m not, but I’m a “know a lot.”