Tuesday, October 1, 2024

REP MIKE COLLINS: average dock worker who is threatening to strike for higher wages and better benefits makes $147,000 per year and about $35,000 per year in employer-paid health care.

Longshoremen make 6 figures per year. They were paid during COVID and he is willing to hold us hostage so they can get a 70% increase in pay  --LDD

from LDD,

Longshoremen make 6 figures per year. They were paid during COVID and he is willing to hold us hostage so they can get a 70% increase in pay and he doesn’t give a damn that it will hurt the American people? Greed. Abolish the Unions and bring back manufacturing so we don’t have to rely on anyone else.
from Suhr Majesty,
We should never be in a position where a union or any group can put a stranglehold on the entire country's economy.

Eliminate unions. 

A bit long, 2 1/2 hours, but in the first few minutes, Judge Joe Brown delivers great insights on the motivation for illegals.  

The question that everyone is concerned about is migration, immigrants in America.  I've heard numerous theories about why the American government is providing so much support to immigrants while many Americans are homeless and housing insecure what do you think is fueling this mass movement of financial support for newly arrived immigrants in American cities?

00:43. They're not immigrants, they are illegals, and what's going on is very simple.  You have the situation set up by Article 1 of the US Constitution: it says every 10 years there shall be a census conducted, the primary purpose of which is to determine the apportionment of Representatives in the House of Representatives.  We call them congressman.  So I participated in no less than five senses takings as an adult.  This last one in 2020 was the first one they did not ask whether or I was a citizen or not.  Also, it's the first one where they did not inquire as to the status of my parents, what their their status was.  Here to for, what went on is they said these are the citizens, this is the population of the United States, and we have another category of people who are not citizens.  This time for 2020 they combined them.  What's the purpose?  Well, so California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, etc. will not lose congressional representation and will perhaps gain Representatives.  In other words if you build up the population of California they maintain the current number of congressmen or they might gain one or two but the people that are being counted toward this game or retention cannot vote.  So there are what I call "local yocals," New York, and a few other places, California, places like San Francisco, where they have an Asian, who is not a citizen, who is sitting on, of all things, the election commission to determine for San Francisco how the votes are counted and as such, they are locals that are trying to generate this thing.  They are also trying to bring in people who are susceptible to a new agenda which is to impose the rainbow cult on the country it is a new religion in order to understand its religious nature contemplate Buddhism Buddhism is an ancient and honorable religion but it does not have a deity no God same thing with LBGTQIA, not homosexuality, but this cult that's represented by the Rainbow, you cannot teach Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism in an American public school but you can teach Rainbow.  Kids get taken to Sunday school, the church, by their mothers, and they sit bored to tears for an hour or 2 hours a few Sundays out of the month. And by the time they are 6, 7, 8, 9, they are devout believers in whatever the religion happens to be, whether they went to church, synagogue, mosque, or Temple, but what you have is the Rainbow being imposed 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, preschool all the way through 12th grade.  So they are indoctrinating people in this Rainbow thing, and it is a system of philosophy that deals with nihilism.  In other words, self-hate, you don't like what you are, you want to be something else, there are no standards of duty, honor, obligation, responsibility, accountability, purpose, cause, morality, ethics, all of that goes out the window. 


Institutional America Is Lost. Regional America Reborn by Disaster

"[catastrophes and apocalypses] don't destroy, they reveal."  Owen Benjamin.  

ANDREW HUFF: we live in the “just in time economy.” Everything we consume is typically made, shipped, and consumed in four weeks or less.

This port union rep knows what exactly every man that deployed in the military knows, and what fewer national security experts know: we live in the “just in time economy.” Everything we consume is typically made, shipped, and consumed in four weeks or less. My favorite example of how fragile this system is- water chlorination supplies exhaust in 3-4 weeks. The more parts or ingredients a product has, the more vulnerable it is to supply side disruptions. If the product loses one component, the product’s production ceases.