Sunday, September 22, 2024

78yo Joan McDonald started going to the gym at age 70 when she was carrying 200 pounds on her 5'3" frame. Today she is a fitness instructor with 2 million followers on Instagram.

Why the tenacity of some people! 

How many donuts equals the amount of sugar in this common 'healthy' smoothie?

Even with all of that sugar, many people will rationalize the smoothie's green benefits thinking they equal health benefits while the sugar just blows the whole experience out of the water bad. 

Prisoners to take care of pets (that would otherwise be euthanized) is remarkably beneficial for them.

DR. MARY TALLEY BOWDEN: performance incentive program for doctors, if they follow a protocol, if they follow a checklist for certain diseases, they are rewarded financially by the government

IRISH MP THOMAS GOULD: “I hope that Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell — shame on Israel. Shame on what you've done and it will never be forgotten.”