Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ABBY JOHNSON: wasn't prepared for what happened with her at-home abortion by pill

I talked yesterday about the Emergency Room visits and how they had four cohorts of people in this study, and when they looked at serious Emergency Room visits and how they had increased over 11 years.  Serious Emergency visits increased for everybody.  Unfortunately, that's a tale about what is happening to us as a society with our food and drugs; that's really coming from the FDA, that's a war against our health.  But Emergency Room visits went up. It went up like 20% for women who had babies.  For women who were not even pregnant, it went up 100%. 

And it went up 400% + for women who had surgical abortions, four times as much.

And then it went up over 4,000% for women who had abortions with a pill.  It's a very dangerous thing.  They're now allowing women to take this abortion pill without seeing a physician.  And the other side of this is that when the women have abortions, they see the baby that comes out, and that was the experience of this woman.  She went to social media, she showed two photos of her 10-week-old deceased baby.  20 minutes ago she said, 

I had a medical abortion at home by the pill, and it was the most painful thing that I have ever gone through.

You know, Abby Johnson, who was head of the Planned Parenthood murder joint in Houston, Texas, she had, she's now a big opponent of it, but she had when she was still working there, she had . . . they casually gave her an abortion pill and she took it.  Took it with her and went home with it.  She said she thought she was going to die.  There was nobody there to help her.  She'd not been warned about how bad it was but she talked at length about that.  But she said,

the most painful thing that she's ever gone through, and I'm so sorry "Little Bean," she called the baby "Bean."  "Bean" was moving its legs and heart, and his heart was still beating when he came out in one push. 

 She said, 

first, my water broke, then another push later, the baby came out quite quickly along with big clots.  I immediately felt relief so I grabbed a glove and finished in the toilet, and the baby was in there.  As soon as I pulled the baby out, the legs were moving and I could feel the heartbeat in my hand.  The heartbeat slowly faded and stopped moving.  

She watched the baby die in her hand.  

So she said, 

the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced.  I feel like I wasn't given all the information I needed going into it.  I was told it would feel like a period, but my experience was much worse.  Definitely the most pain I've ever felt in my whole life, and I wished that I'd had been prepared for it.

See, they lie to women, and they don't even do an exam to tell them if the baby is too big, if it's going to cause complications, or whatever.  

She also said, 

I literally gave birth and nobody told me that it would be like that.  The contractions were so intense it was unbearable.  About 15 minutes before it was out, I started telling my partner to call someone because I couldn't handle it anymore.  

Abby Johnson was by herself.  People she worked with, Planned Parenthood, "Ah, no big deal.  Here, take a pill."  

I was not informed that the fetus would be whole, so I was quite shocked when it came out.  I don't think I was prepared well enough for the entire experience.  I feel like they sugar-coated all of it to make it seem easy, but it was one of the hardest things I'd ever been through.

The common man.  They created Common Core to dumb down our children.  They created a common pass to track and control us.  Their Commons Project to make sure that commoners own nothing in a communist future.  They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, and ordinary, but each of us has worth and dignity created in the image of God.  That is what we have in common.  That is what they want to take away.  Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, and intimidation.  They desire to know everything about us while they hide everything from us.  It's time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. 


Larry Cook writes, 

Do you know why the hospital isn’t treating her? Because hospitals don’t acknowledge vaccine injury; therefore, 1) They have zero clue how to treat it, and 2) Treating it would be an admission of guilt.

Let’s hope the family wins a multimillion-dollar lawsuit! 

Eva Vlaardingerbroek “If we don't start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in will go down in history as the time in which Western nations no longer

MIKE ADAMS: Many people have been killed, including some children. If the tech exists to do this in Lebanon, this same tech exists to do this in the USA.

from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, 

This is a huge deal, folks. Israel's intelligence services remotely detonated 1000+ comms devices in the hands of Hezbollah members in Lebanon. Reportedly pagers but some reports also say cell phones. They were REMOTELY triggered to overheat and detonate their batteries. Many people have been killed, including some children. Many fingers and hands blown off. If the tech exists to do this in Lebanon, this same tech exists to do this in the USA. Your mobile phone is a remote-controlled bomb, and intelligence services can detonate it at will. Let that sink in. 

I don't know.  Luke Rudkowski got news from Sky News Arabia that Mossad planted PETN, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, on the pager batteries.  

EAT THE SUN: My father is 75 years old. We both began eating low carb about 7 yrs ago. Both of us lost nearly 18% of our total body fat in the first year and we have kept it off.

My father is 75 years old. We both began eating low carb about 7 yrs ago. Both of us lost nearly 18% of our total body fat in the first year and we have kept it off. My pops still: - mows his own yard - laid his own paver wall for his landscaping beds. - rides his bike to the grocery store - runs around with the grandkids - launches his boat by himself - does moderate exercise a few days per week. - he is on zero medications. Up until 68yrs old, he struggled with anxiety. He was tired a lot and always felt like he was sick from “something”. Now, he’s flourishing. His only regret was not finding out about low carb lifestyle sooner.

This is 75!