Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The origins of the nanotechnology narrative. by Sasha Latypova

Repetitive messaging is the only technology ever needed for mind control. Seductive sci-fi narratives are a particularly insidious version of this "technology".

Read on Substack

Debbie Lehrman's comment was very good, 
Thank you Sasha for this excellent overview of what I would describe as a "mass psychosis" phenomenon, akin to the condition we witnessed during Covid, and for the same reason: fear of death. It's all the same, whether you believe you can insert "code" into human cells that will make them do something you want them to do without bad side effects, or nonsensical ideas about loading one's "mind" (how do they even define that?) to the "cloud," and the nanobot-5G-chemtrails-internet-of-bodies thing that I can never get anyone to actually explain to me (how does it work? what are the mechanisms? what is the science? no answer!). In my experience, a lot of it has to do with little to no education in/understanding of biology, chemistry, physics nor any exploration of philosophy, literature, religion, etc.  I also agree that it seems like the vehemence with which this nonsense is being promoted on both sides (globalists vs the rest of us) feels like a psy-op. But I do not discount the mass formation tendencies we witnessed during Covid.

John Miller of ABC News says that "America was not the target of the "Dancing Israelis

The photos and videos [of the five Israelis] celebrating the attack were destroyed by the US Gov't and the five Israelis were deported back to Israel.  --KimDotCom
Greg Reese did a decent report on the 9/11 "Dancing Israelis" 

James Corbett does a remarkable and thorough job.  Be your own investigator. 

Men with documented connections 

Ah, yes, John Miller of ABC News says that "America was not the target of the "Dancing Israelis," no.  Their target?  Muslims.  You should know better, American citizen.  And thanks to the stellar reporting of John Miller, we can all be deceived rest easy about who was the real target on the day of the 9/11 Twin Tower attack.  

The John Miller moment occurs at the 8:00 mark.  

KimDotCom asks, 
Israel knew about 9/11 in advance?  Before the planes hit the Twin Towers, Israeli spies were positioned to "document the event." 

And here's the kicker, 

The photos and videos celebrating the attack were destroyed by the US Gov't and the five Israelis were deported back to Israel.  

Israel knew about 9/11 in advance? Before the planes hit the Twin Towers Israeli spies were positioned to “document the event”. The photos and videos celebrating the attack were destroyed by the US Govt and the five Israelis were deported back to Israel. pic.twitter.com/RnTN6JJPjV

CASHLESS SOCIETY? With power and water cut off, residents were left scrambling to charge their phones, which held their only access to money.

"Do not fear not knowing," said Kathie, one of the Acars' leaders, at one of these hidden meetings. "Fear only the loss of your ability to question."

[1] I recently happened upon this Substack and then thought about Campbell... "So, they devised a plan—not to feed the people outright lies, but to flood them with so many conflicting stories, falsehoods, and half-truths that the very concept of truth itself would erode..."

"Do not fear not knowing," said Kathie, one of the Acars' leaders, at one of these hidden meetings. "Fear only the loss of your ability to question."


Owen's Amadeus [1984] commentary starts at 34:20.   

40:20, Salieri:  Do you know who I am? 

40:30, Priest:  That makes no difference.  All men are equal in God's eyes.

41:55, Benjamin.  Salieri plays his songs for the priest, but the priest doesn't recognize any of them because Salieri plays for the elite, not for working people.  

Benjamin concedes that he believes that everybody is equal in God's eyes, it's just that everybody has a different role.  Interesting.  

42:20, Benjamin.  Salieri is wildly more successful than Mozart.  Mozart died broke in a pauper's grave.  Mozart wasn't even allowed to do operas.  He was literally banned from theaters.  People don't like to admit stuff like this historically, but it's true.  While Salieri was selling out "stadiums," Salieri remembers his praise and the worship bestowed upon by elite audiences, but no one really cared about his work.   

43:35, Salieri.  I was the most famous composer in Europe.  I wrote 40 operas alone.  Salieri plays Mozart's melody, and the priest recognizes it immediately. 

44:35, Benjamin.  Mozart wrote operas about normal people, "Marriage of Figaro," [premiered, 1786] and "The Barber of Seville."  He wrote operas about the servants, not about the Greek Gods and nobility.