Tuesday, September 3, 2024

PAUL SALADINO: What’s Inside Your Chipotle Burrito?

I've eaten at three different Chipotle Burrito stores and got sick each time, and haven't been back since.  That was 8 years ago.  Maybe what he explains in this video is exactly why I got sick.  

A brief history,

Chipotle was one of the first chains of fast casual dining establishments.  [10] Founded by Steve Ells on July 13, 1993, Chipotle had 16 restaurants (all in Colorado) when McDonald's Corporation became a major investor in 1998. By the time McDonald's fully divested itself from Chipotle in 2006, the chain had grown to over 500 locations.[11] With more than 2,000 locations, Chipotle had a net income of US$475.6 million and a staff of more than 45,000 employees in 2015.[12] 
In May 2018, Chipotle announced the relocation of their corporate headquarters to Newport Beach, California, in Southern California, leaving Denver after 25 years.

1972, APOLLO 17: NASA Played You, Americans, for Fools!

52 years ago, the Geniuses at NASA equipped the Apollo with enough fuel & oxygen to travel half a million miles to the Moon & back. Once they got to the moon, NASA’s incredible feat of engineering allowed the two men in space suits with minimal tools to construct the infrastructure required to exit the moon's gravitational field. Unlike 1969, the President didn’t call the moon from a landline this time, so the two men could focus on setting up the launch pad. The take off was obviously all filmed from the 1972 Lunar Rover Buggy, which tracked the blast-off of the dusty bumpy rocky moon surface--no foundations or concrete required. When you think about mankind's greatest accomplishment, it seems absolutely crazy that so much could go wrong but it didn’t.

It’s a shame no man has walked again on the surface even though the mobile phone wasn’t even invented back then, but I guess NASA lost the technology. 

And where exactly did NASA fit a jee in the Moon Lander?

I am outside in Nanaimo Hospital, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and I was able to get a "crack inhalation kit" and a "cocaine snorting kit

"Let's go get a free crack pipe and a cocaine smoking kit." 


In a dispensing machine in front of the hospital.  


Okay, boys and girls, let's start today's tutorial.

Click on "Supplies," of course.

Click on "Snorting kit," makes sense.

Click on "Dispense," and your item is on its way as it drops into the drawer below for you to extract.

Next, we can learn how to snort cocaine with an informational video right here, titled "Safer Snorting to Prevent Infections and Other Harms."

So I am outside in Nanaimo Hospital, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and I was able to get a "crack inhalation kit" and a "cocaine-snorting kit." Unfortunately, the crack pipes were out which is no surprise because the crack pipes are traded for drugs.  All of these items you can get for free at the vending machine located just right over there outside the Nanaimo Hospital Emergency Room.

"Hello, operator?  Send an ambulance.  I need to get to Emergency"

"What's your emergency "

"Just send the damn ambulance!"


FRANK CLEGG, FORMER PRESIDENT OF MICROSOFT, CANADA: No, I've been in the technology industry all my life, and I've never had wi-fi . . . I just didn't feel it was right. I didn't feel it was safe

I don't know about the "Talmudic World Order" needing "to kill goyim, aka, cattle," but the video is compelling as is the testimony by Frank Glegg, former President of Microsoft Canada.  Wikipedia states that, 

Frank Clegg is the founder and CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology, a not-for-profit, volunteer coalition of citizens and scientists who are concerned about the health risks of wireless technology. C4ST’s mission is to educate and inform Canadians and policy makers about the dangers of exposures to unsafe levels of radiofrequency/microwave radiation from wireless devices and cellular network antennas wireless technology. Frank is critical of the use of Wi-Fi in schools, and the 5G mobile network.

Here is the complete interview with Frank Clegg, dated July 10, 2014. 

Guidelines of China, Russia, Italy, and Switzerland are 100x safer than Canada's.  Safety Code 6 is the name of the guideline, created in 1979 and hasn't had any major changes in the last several decades.  So in our view, it's very far behind, it's very out of date, it's not even in the 21st century.   --Frank Clegg 

So 21st century technology has not been updated to 21st century standards or were the safety standards just dropped, like meh?

3:40  Baby monitors are another no-no.  Would you put a microwave oven in your child's bedroom and leave it on all night?  Well, the radiation from that baby monitor is actually more than a microwave oven with the door closed.  --Frank Clegg

STEPHANIE WEIDLE: I don't trust, support, or respect the senior leaders of the military anymore...I think as time progressed over and over and over again, I witnessed some of the most unethical, hypocritical, and really disappointing decision-making on the part of senior leaders

🚨U.S. Army Captain Says U.S. Military Leadership Is Lying About Military's Readiness; Leadership Claims It's 90% Ready But Is Only 65% Ready🚨 Rebecca Tummers (), a Captain in the U.S. Army, describes for Stephanie Weidle () on a Feds for Freedom () podcast how U.S. military leadership is lying to Congress about its readiness. Tummers, who was injured by the COVID injection, notes that she no longer "trusts, supports, or respects the senior leaders of the military." "I've seen them lie about personnel readiness. I've seen them lie about equipment readiness," Tummers says. "They say we're 90% ready, and we're sitting at about 65% readiness at any given point. And that goes the same for our equipment." Partial transcription of clip: "I don't trust, support, or respect the senior leaders of the military anymore...I think as time progressed over and over and over again, I witnessed some of the most unethical, hypocritical, and really disappointing decision-making on the part of senior leaders. And, I mean, the COVID shot was part of that, the mandate was part of that, nobody standing up for anybody or at least making sure people didn't get kicked out. That was part of it, but there were tons of other instances of, you know, watching fraud, waste, and abuse, watching people do some pretty self-serving things, watching people lie. and they were in positions, you know, where their decisions meant life or death for people and they lied. "I've seen them lie about personnel readiness. I've seen them lie about equipment readiness. Anytime there's a CTC rotation, these, you know, brigade commanders and division commanders are touting to Congress that we're 90% ready, that 90% of our personnel are deployable right now, and it's a lie. It's maybe hovering around 65, 70%, but they will say and they'll drag all these people down there that are non-deployable. They'll drag them down to GRTC, and get them the attendance. As soon as the attendance is taken by FORSCOM, [1973-Present], they send all of those kids who never should have been down there back home.

"They say we're 90% ready, and we're sitting at about 65% readiness at any given point. And that goes the same for our equipment. We regularly oversell how ready we are on an equipment perspective, and you just get tired of the lies. And people are lying to kind of get a good eval pin on their next rank, and nobody's willing to stand up and say this is not true. All of these brigade commanders, all of these division commanders, are aligned. We're not 90% ready. We're 65% ready, but no commander is willing to say that because that means that they will not get promoted." 

The complete interview: