The Dems like to walk a line where they pretend to be critical of Israel and support making a Palestinian state--but it's a lie.
There is a Jimmy Dore wing of the Dems whose job it is to keep the left wing (the pro-labor, anti-war wing) voting for the Dems.
Hence the two-state solution carrot.
At the level of the grassroots party, that's how it is.
They can maintain this illusion so long as they pretend two things
That the Neo-con position isn't theirs, and that it's basically the Republican position (It's a half lie - it's both of their position).
And two, that Trump has the standard view of neo-con Republicans on Israel (he does not).
So now we have to dig. Lots of you have asked so here it is.
1 . Money to Israel dropped under the Trump administration from Obama-era levels and returned to those Obama levels with the incoming of Biden
2. The DNC is duplicitous in their approach - straddling the pro-Israel and with weak but virtuous 'signals' to Palestine at the local party level (but never at the DNC national level).
3. Trump is the opposite: He postures as a stronger supporter of Israel, but, in fact, is the weaker supporter of the 'Israel that exists now governed by those who govern it'.
4. That's why Douglas Mcgregor's approach on this, while nuanced, is closest to the Trump position as we've also heard it from Trump.
5. People say "Oh Trump just spoke to AIPAC." Yes, he did. He also spoke some years ago to the WEF. And just like that, idiot people only see the picture of him speaking there and believe that means he supports them.
6. The 2020 election was stolen by the Democrat machine. World leaders knew exactly what was going on. Yet as soon as Fox News called Arizona for Biden late on November 6th/wee early morning Nov 7, NETANYAHU CALLED BIDEN TO CONGRATULATE. As in 'I support this coup against Trump'.
7. Let's contrast that: Mexican left-wing president AMLO, who likes Trump and made a great agreement with him, waited sometime until December or January to finally recognize Biden's victory. This was only after most of Trump's legal options were exhausted
Did you hear what Trump told them at AIPAC?
He said, "No one's afraid of you guys anymore" (that would include Trump himself).
He is explaining that Israel under Netanyahu's leadership is one that is losing the plot and endangering Israel.
Let's recap the operating two corollary theses:
1. The Dems support Netanyahu vigorously while giving lip service to Palestine
2. Trump opposes Netanyahu vigorously while giving lip service to Israel as a vague concept - we have to save Israel from Netanyahu and Likudnik politics.
Alright, now let's remember the reality and the geopolitics of the region.
Trump supported Russia's anti-ISIS campaign in Syria. This was to save the Syrian state.
Israel was part of the Democrat, Obama plan to create ISIS, to destroy Syria. Pipeline politics is a fair part of this, I have explained this in great detail in the past.
Now think about Israel's support for Ukraine against Russia.
Where is Trump on that?
Also against Israel.
There's more than this we could include. Perhaps an edit in the future and I will.
These are all things I've explained to the public exhaustively on the live stream.
I hope this makes sense.
By the way, my own views on Palestine are distinct from either of the above. I believe the Palestinian state should have been created after Camp David back when Arafat led the PFLP/Fatah. But I have the luxury of not having to win an American Presidential election.
Israel does not have any particularly special right to exist greater than other states. It's theirs to have, or theirs to blow up. If they provoke their neighbors and can't compromise, nothing is guaranteed. These are laws of gravity, not personal preferences.
This is about keeping the record straight regarding Trump.
NB - Yes, the Trump idea is to save Israel from 'itself' - to save Israel and the crazy course it's on, from its present moribund leadership.
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