Sunday, August 11, 2024

Life doesn't give a s*** about your money or your status, it's about your honor. Speak the truth, serve people, don't suck

Saturday, August 10, 2024

BENJAMIN: Yeah, the “opioid crisis” pushed by the Sackler family in America (Jewish) killed tons and tons and tons of young people. The dead youth were then replaced by waves of migrants brought in by NGOs run by people like George Soros (Jewish).

Benjamin explains too, that the opioids were manufactured by an Israeli company called Teva Pharmaceuticals

Yeah, the “opioid crisis” pushed by the Sackler family in America (Jewish) killed tons and tons and tons of young people. They claimed it was non-addictive. They were sued but are still billionaires. The dead youth were then replaced by waves of migrants brought in by NGOs run by people like George Soros (Jewish). These are the actual roots of “anti-semitic conspiracy theories.”

And then when someone points it out they’re called insane and hateful.

Over the years I’ve learned blame doesn’t help. It’s just up to us to resist and prosper. Even with institutional persecution by media, banking, and political funding. I’ve been through the dark night of the soul and that’s what I learned. Keep your humor, stay grateful, live clean, and grow what you love. And none of the rest matters. Our sustainer is God not any of these people. But yes, what was done to “working class” Americans was horrible and evil. And so many of those men who joined the military to defend their heritage died for banking rivalries.

And “facts don’t care about your feelings.”

Steve Sailer says that

Dreamland, 2015, explained how the Sackler family promoting OxyContin to doctors as a “non-addictive” synthetic opioid painkiller in the late 1990s set off what I call the White Death that quietly killed so many working-class whites in the first decade of this century.

"federal district judge in Alabama ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is unconstitutional"

On March 1, 2024, a federal district judge in Alabama ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is unconstitutional. The judge concluded that the CTA exceeds Congress' legislative powers and lacks a sufficient connection to any enumerated power to achieve Congress' policy goals. The CTA requires companies that do business in the United States to report information about the individuals who ultimately own or control them. The act was intended to help law enforcement detect, prevent, and punish misconduct, such as money laundering and terrorism, through business entities. 

Kamala in her own words.

Millennials And Gen X Face Higher Risk of These 17 Cancers Than Boomers

from Science Alert

Cancer cases in younger generations are continuing to rise at a disturbing rate, according to a massive new study from the American Cancer Society (ACS).

The analysis considers the health data of more than 23 million US patients, born between 1920 and 1990, who were later diagnosed with cancer from 2000 to 2019.

Compared to baby boomers, researchers found Gen Xers and millennials are at a higher risk of developing 17 out of 34 considered cancers, including leukemia, breast cancer, and gastric cancer.

Millennials born in 1990 were two to three times more likely to develop pancreatic, kidney, or small intestinal cancer than baby boomers born in 1955. Female millennials also face an increased risk of liver and bile duct cancer.

What's more, 9 cancers, for which incidence rates have mostly fallen in the older generations, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, testicular cancer, and anal cancer, are on the rise in younger people.

Uterine cancer alone is 169 percent more likely to impact a person born in the 1990s than people born in the 1930s.

The risk of death from these cancers is also increasing.

That's never a good sign, and it suggests there has been a quiet, generational shift in cancer risk over the past century or so.

Researchers suspect this is partly because younger generations, under the age of 50, are increasingly exposed to carcinogens in early life or young adulthood. These risky exposures, however, have "yet to be elucidated".

Ten of the 17 cancers increasing in incidence among millennials and Gen Xers are related to obesity, which could also play a role in the generational disparity.

"As the elevated risk in younger generations is carried over as individuals age, an overall increase in cancer burden could occur in the future, halting or reversing decades of progress against the disease," says cancer epidemiologist Ahmedin Jemal of ACS.

"The data highlights the critical need to identify and address underlying risk factors in Gen X and Millennial populations to inform prevention strategies."

The results of the current analysis expand on previous research, which found cancer rates in people under 50 have surged by almost 80 percent in 30 years.

If trends continue, the World Health Organization warns that by 2050 cancer cases could jump by a further 77 percent. Officials blame tobacco, alcohol, obesity, and air pollution as key factors.

Other exposures, such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyles, or sleep disturbances, could also play a role in cancer incidence, although these factors "remain poorly understood", researchers note.

There is, however, some good news hiding in the recent analysis from ACS.

An "accelerated downturn" in young people with cervical cancer "shows the effectiveness of HPV vaccination, particularly in women born in approximately 1990", who were just the right age when the vaccine was approved in the US.

This finding I am highly suspicious of,

Previous  studies have shown cervical cancer cases have dropped 90% since the advent of this vaccine.

Additionally, cancers related to smoking, such as lung and throat cancer, are also declining in younger birth cohorts.

Because younger cohorts have not been bombarded with cigarette advertisements for a smoking lifestyle, like Marlboro or Virginia Slims. 

"These findings add to growing evidence of increased cancer risk in post-Baby Boomer generations,"  says cancer epidemiologist Hyuna Sung of ACS.

"Although we have identified cancer trends associated with birth years, we don't yet have a clear explanation for why these rates are rising."

The study was published in The Lancet Public Health.