Saturday, August 3, 2024

LATYPOVA: [The DoD] bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts . . . In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for [vaccines] (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment.

from Sasha Latypova,

The contract with an unnamed large US company is running until the end of 2030. The company and the type of manufacturing involved are undisclosed due to “business confidentiality.” This is interesting.

Some basic deductive reasoning leads me to believe this “US pharma company” is the US Government entity National Resilience. Previous reporting on Resilience:  

There aren’t that many US-based large pharmas with massive biologics manufacturing needs. In fact, the ONLY area of biologics that currently justifies the $1B scale is vaccines, and not because of the real demand, but because the governments are pumping money into them. Everything else in biologics is produced in much smaller volumes. The government’s obsession with poisoning as many people as quickly as possible to achieve Agenda 2030 fits both the contract end date and scale.

You may argue, but this is likely to be Pfizer or Merck or some other large US pharma outsourcing to Samsung. However, those have been disclosed. They are not secret. Samsung has deals with Baxter, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer (also $1B), Moderna, Bristol Myers Squibb and GSK. Who would need the name and the purpose of the “biomanufacturing” kept secret? And who has THIS much money to throw around in the sector that has experienced an overall steep decline pre-covid with most patents expiring?


Interestingly, BARDA’s COVID-19 cash infusion, redistributing newly printed dollars to makers of the countermeasures via DOD contracts amounted to about $50 billion in the first 12-18 months and likely reached $70-100 billion by now. In other words, they bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts, because world-ending emergency… In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for them (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment. This spending by now accounts for roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire US pharma industry R&D. In 2020 they were desperately plugging the hole in the pharmaceutical industry, juicing the capital gains which had evaporated prior to 2020. It worked for a short time, but created no real industry growth:

Finish this brief but insight read on how the DoD is funding and building biologics or bioweapons labs around the world to bail themselves out.

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The U.S. Constitution, read it, said that they were going to honor all the debts of the previous [government]. They never did

Yes that's exactly why and at this stage they think that the plan is that the United Nations will step up and appear to be the Peacemaker and therefore that will elevate them to this one- world level of government. --Martin Armstrong

06:20. We are in a phase where the confidence in government is absolutely collapsing and I believe it began with COVID and this is on a worldwide scale for example look at the elections that have taken place you have the EU that has moved to the right you have Britain France our computer does not look at poles.

07:22. People vote according to their economic situation and what's happening globally here is that no matter who is in power they're throwing them out so it's not a left, right sort of thing our computers have been showing that Trump should win I understand Washington very well I've been down there since Reagan's time in office I warned that they would probably even try to assassinate him because that's just their playbook they did the same thing to JFK anybody that threatens the Deep States agenda they try to take out one way or another and most people don't realize but you can Google it you'll see there is going to be a documentary coming out on Richard Nixon there was a tape at the head of the CIA present and Nixon said I know who killed JFK after that they made sure they got rid of him a couple of guys in the Watergate thing where CIA and they just bungled to get caught when Nixon left office he's entitled to Secret Service protection in perpetuity.   He dismissed them and hired his own people.  He did not trust the Secret Service to protect him.  I think that says it all.  You can look throughout history even in the Roman Empire where 13 Emperors were assassinated by their own bodyguards.  So this is a common thing but what we are looking at here is a major global debt crisis.  Since World War II, they've been borrowing year after year with no intention of paying anything back, and this is reaching a point of a climax. This is why they need war.  The main reason they wanted Biden there is because 40% of the time he is in Delaware.  He was basically a placeholder.  And then you have the Secretary of State, Blinkin threatening China, "If you go into Taiwan we'll wage war." China was the number one holder of US debt.  They dumped $53 billion in the first quarter of this year.  Janet Yellen has to hop on a plane and run over there and beg them to keep buying our debt, please.  And they ask, "Why? You want us to buy $100 billion of debt so you can shoot missiles at us?"  Washington is in total chaos because there is not a president doing his job.  At these cabinet meetings, the president is supposed to be the referee.  Every agency--they're like 2-year-old children--they all want their own way.  So you have the EPA outlawing gas stoves.  Then you have Lindsey Graham saying that there is $10 to $12 trillion worth of gas reserves under Crimea, and we can't allow Russia and China to get that.  There's no coherent strategy or common theme even. 

I just got back from Europe, spoke to a number of different governments there, and they are all preparing for war.  Why do they want war?  Basically, that's their exit strategy with this debt crisis.  A lot of people say "Oh $30, $40 to trillion in debt . . . ." The level of debt really does not matter.  What's critical is when people stop buying it.  As long as there is a next guy in line who continues to buy it, then they can keep rolling it and rolling it.  But now when you're threatening China and things of this nature . . .  the BRICs, people don't really understand what the BRICS is about.  It's a geopolitical issue.  Once they put sanctions on Russia, they have all these other countries beginning to realize "Hey, wait a minute.  If we don't do what the US tells us to do, they can remove us from SWIFT."  That's what the BRICS is really about. 

12:10. They intend to actually you know they want to wage war, and what happens with war?  You can go on eBay and buy all of the bonds you want from all these different countries.  Basically a new government forms, and they default on the last government.  You can go on eBay and buy U.S. Continental currency from all the states as well.

12:38.  You can buy Confederate Currency so exactly they always bring it to war when the economic system is coming to an end.

12:45. Yes.  Because they get to default and a new government comes in and it does not have to honor the debts of the last.  As I said, you can go on eBay and you can buy Continental currency.  The Constitution, read it, said that they were going to honor all the debts of the previous [government].  They never did.  Spain has defaulted 7 times.  France is on its 5th Republic.  Just go down the list.  China, you can buy all these bonds from World War II.  They all defaulted.  So if they create a war, they get two objectives out of it.   One, they get to default.  Two, that's what this whole digital currency issue is about.  I've met with governments for a long time as you know.  And they all think on average that Europe and the United States that 35% of the economy is underground and not paying taxes.  So how to get that tax is to eliminate physical money.  That's what this is all about.  They move to the digital currency side, and then you hire that 16-year-old girl next door to watch the kids while you and your wife go out.  Oh, my God, you gave her $50 and she didn't pay taxes.  That's our profit that's the way they look at it and 

14:11.  So their answer is a cashless society monitoring every facet of our lives.  I'm no economist like you, or an expert expert like you, but that's going to create an incredible destruction of the economy, incredible pressure and civil unrest, an angrier world.

14:23. Yeah, just look at Nigeria where they pulled that off and had all kinds of riots and burning banks and things.  Also behind that which doesn't appear to be out in the press very much is that the IMF has already created their digital coin.  And the whole scheme here is that the IMF digital currency which will replace the dollar and this will raise the world, everything you're talking about with the UN wants this one-world government stuff.  And it's not a conspiracy theory.  You can look on my site.  I've got a video there just Google "Holland and the former president of France [Sarkozy?] I have a video put on there with him standing up there with Merkel in the European Parliament, saying the very purpose of the EU was one government for Europe to eliminate European war.  This theory has been around for a long time.  It's not a conspiracy theory . . . 

15:37.  No that's why they they claim they formed the EU.

15:41.  Yes that's exactly why and at this stage they think that the plan is that the United Nations will step up and appear to be The Peacemaker and therefore that will elevate them to this one World level of government.

16:00.  Just like Herbert Walker Bush said in 1990 and '91.  He said out of this un war will bring in a one world government.

16:09.  This has been a theory around for a long time that if there is one government then you end war.  I've argued with him and I said obviously you don't know your history.  The Roman Empire was one government, and how many civil wars did they have?  

16:23.  Even Elon Musk said at the World Government Summit last year, he said One-World Government will create nothing but civil war.

16:30.  Exactly.  I see it in Europe.  When they were forming the Euro they came to me I sat down with him and I warned them that this is not going to work they were selling it to everybody that like the United States will have a single currency and everybody will pay the same interest rate.  And I can tell you what happened Chancellor Cole of Germany did not allow the German people to vote for the Euro he unilaterally took Germany in because he said if the German people voted he would have lost 7 to 1.  So what he did he took Germany into the EU, and that created the euro.  And basically to do that he said you cannot consolidate the debt.  So every country still has its own debt.  There isn't a single national debt.  And I warned him that all you're going to do is transfer the volatility in trading foreign exchange from the Foreign Exchange Market to the bond market, and that's what's happened. They don't understand trading.  They don't understand markets.  They don't understand anything.

17:43.  They think they can always raise more taxes.  Let me ask you this.  Back to your main point.  The globalists, the big banks, they're all shutting down fertilizer, food production, paying farmers not to grow crops.  If they're actually trying to prop up a bubble, or bring in a new bubble, why would you attack energy and food production when that's the basis of everything?  Well because they want to consolidate control but don't they get by consolidating control, they get even more volatility and they thought they could blame climate change, but most people aren't blaming climate change. They know it's globalist policy, so why are they at war with the real economy?  What's the plan there?

18:20. This is how they get power. They basically do wanted to decline and say come to me I'll save it.  Basically change something unless it's broken. 

18:35.  Exactly.  They're the saviors they said we're going to save you from climate change that causes Mass starvation while they open the borders and cut the food off but people aren't buying that BS don't they get that they are now the villains that Bill Gates, that Klaus Schwab, and the UN are the most hated groups out there?

18:52. I can tell you Klaus Schwab resigned from CEO and just moved to chairman.  He's still there.  But he did so because of all the negative publicity against him.  These people think that we are stupid, and I've been dealing with governments honestly for 50 years.  I can tell you that I was down there when Reagan was in, and they were all upset when Reagan was elected.  And I asked, "What's the problem?"  They said well you don't understand.  I said well explain it to me, and they said look he's a governor.  We are going to have to train him.  They don't like anybody from outside of Washington; that's why they don't like Trump, and they also don't like RFK, Jr.  You're coming in and playing in our sandbox and that's basically the real problem what they told Reagan when he wanted to meet with Gorbachev I can tell you absolutely the Neocons told him, okay fine, he's no longer a communist, but you can never trust a Russian.  Trump is Right NATO is an absolute terrorist organization they should have been shut down the whole purpose of it was basically to defend Europe against communism that was it that was when cruise ship said that we will bury you those days are gone.  As you know I was in the middle of the Russian thing back in 1999 they were basically interfering in the Russian elections for 2000 they blackmailed Yeltsin to try and get him to step down and they wanted to stick in their puppet to run Russia who is Berezovsky.  They wanted me to put in $10 billion dollars into this Hermitage capital and I refused.  They rigged that election when Yeltsin realized he was getting blackmailed and he was getting attacked on the opposite side the old neocon rush and the communist they had filed a motion for impeachment so he was getting it from the US trying to interfere and the other side that's why he turned to Putin because Putin was not an oligarch and he wasn't a communist.  And that's why they hate Putin so much he basically did that in Hillary was involved in this and he doesn't fit the stereotype I got the declassified documents from the Clinton administration and what Putin said in that interview with Tucker was correct.  I have the documents showing that the Clinton administration there was a proposal for Russia to join NATO.  That is why the Communists there staged the coup against Gorbachev because they felt that that would be a surrender to the United States.  That's what that coup was all about, and then you had Yeltsin standing on the tank, etc.  

from the Amazon book blurb for The Plot to Seize Russia: The Untold History, 2023,

"Take care of Russia," Boris Yeltsin said as he departed his presidency in August 1999. These words were directed at current Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Yeltsin specifically picked Putin as his predecessor to prevent the takeover of Russia.

So, who was Yeltsin warning against? Newly declassified documents from the Clinton Administration prove that there was a plot to rig the Russian election of 2000. These never-before-seen documents confirm numerous attempts to implement pro-Western policies using the Russian oligarchy headed by Boris Berezovsky.

On the other side were the communists who desired a return to the glory days of the Soviet Union. As one of the largest international hedge fund managers, author Martin Armstrong found himself in the middle of perhaps the greatest espionage, or attempt at a regime change for Russia, in modern history.

And all of that people have to understand, you know, why did Hillary suddenly say that Putin interfered with the 2016 election?  She said oh because I had said one of his elections was rigged.  Now that wasn't it.  It was basically the US under the Clinton administration and the bankers were trying to interfere in the Russian 2000 election.  They were trying to take it over then.


"How BlackRock Conquered the World," James Corbett @ The Corbett Report, September 19, 2023.

LATYPOVA: Plumbing, air conditioning and refrigeration is what removed "pandemics". Vaccines are for mass poisoning and creating chronic diseases and cancer to feed the "healthcare" machine

DR. BARBARA O'NEILL: People with high cholesterol don't get Alzheimer's. Do you need a moment of silence to digest that one?

The brain is the fattiest organ in the body.  If you start taking anti-cholesterol medicines, like statins, you're risking dementia.  Good luck with that one, sparky.