Monday, June 24, 2024

9/11: Press for Truth

Luz Cannon writes,

Loose Change came out in 2005. That was pretty thoughtful.  Also, a Canadian film, The Great Deception, 2004, with Barrie Zwicker was excellent, and I'm pretty sure it well preceded Press for Truth, 2006.

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, Barrie Zwicker, 2006.

What happened I think during the pandemic is that both FDA NIH CDC all of them lost control of what would have been their scientific narratives and they did that because the pandemic management itself on day seven so president Trump claims an emergency proclaimed in an emergency pandemic on like March what was it March 13, 2020 a week later he handed it off to the National Security Council which militarized it which made the pandemic no longer a pandemic by a Warfare attack but a bio Warfare attack and the eventual vaccines that have called vaccines even though some people have misgivings because of their genetic technology nevertheless because it's a military approach that was adopted that was adopted rather than a public health approach.

1:00.  And this military approach, which had people in the military underneath the National Security Council designed the response that all of our government agencies would carry out they designed a response that did not follow Public Health principles those Public Health principles were laid out in an important paper about 2006 or 2007 by Tom Inglesby, who is now ahead of the John Hopkins Center of Infections Diseases.  

Principal scientist for eradicating smallpox from the planet.  The paper they co-authored was "Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza," by THOMAS V. INGLESBY, JENNIFER B. NUZZO, TARA O’TOOLE, and D. A. HENDERSON

Tom Inglesby and Tom Henderson who was the who were the principal scientist responsible for eradicating a small pot from the planet these people knew a thing or two about Public Health Management and they laid out general respiratory virus principles pandemic principles such as, 1) you don't lockdown the population.  You quarantine symptomatic people.  2) There's no point in closing airports; that won't do anything.  3) masks are essentially useless . . . for either protecting the wearer, or for controlling source control, the wearer, from spreading the infection outside of the wearer, and various other things.  4) Social distancing is a kind of fiction.  It depends on the airflow circumstances indoors versus outdoors and what happens indoors.

2:20.  All of this stuff was all laid out, and then military turned it around, did the opposite of almost everything.  And so that colored our whole response, and some of what happened is that basically your rank and file people in the mid and upper middle levels of all these agencies are relatively good people who believe in themselves they believe in the science the way they see it they believe that they think they are doing a good job the best that they could under the circumstances they think of themselves as wholesome good doing people and they don't realize that they are brainwashed that they have been bearing washed by upper levels of our military establishment that are the professional brainwashers because that's who the National Security Council pulled in to do the professional brainwashing of all of our scientific medical regulatory systems


Sunday, June 23, 2024

The US Air Force directed the ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today in Sevastopol

DAN WUORI: Hiccups are a reflexive contraction of the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the chest that relaxes and contracts to help us breathe. Like most bodily functions, breathing is controlled by the brain, but when infants are born their neural circuitry remains immature.

Your baby’s hiccups are training the brain to control their breathing. As adults, we all get a case of the hiccups every once in a while. But for babies developing in utero and newborn infants, hiccups are often a daily event. In fact, preterm babies (those born three or more weeks prematurely) spend up to 15 minutes hiccuping each day. Hiccups are a reflexive contraction of the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the chest that relaxes and contracts to help us breathe. Like most bodily functions, breathing is controlled by the brain, but when infants are born their neural circuitry remains immature. And hiccups may be key to its development. Researchers at the University College London measuring infants' brain waves discovered that hiccups produce significant neurological signals, which they believe assist the brain in learning to control breathing voluntarily. So don’t be alarmed by your newborn’s frequent hiccups. Not only will they subside in time, but they play an important role in your baby’s development. This adorable little hiccupper was shared with TT by Viola & zayn.