Tuesday, June 18, 2024

DR. ANNA TOKER: Did you know that what's happening on your skin is also happening within your intestinal tract?

Did you know that what's happening on your skin is also happening within your intestinal tract? 

Hi, I'm Dr Anna Toker, your friendly neighborhood colorectal surgeon reminding you that an epithelial surface, whether it's on your skin and people can see it, or in the lining of your digestive system which without special equipment you can't see, these cells are turning over rapidly.  They need lots of protein structure to stay healthy.  Now you might choose to take collagen for your skin, your hair, and your nails, but I'm here to tell you take collagen to support your intestinal tract.  The lining of your intestines needs to have support from the underlying protein matrix that's made out of collagen.  Just choose a good one, one that's organic if you can with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.  If you are a plant-based protein, well there's no collagen in the vegetable world, so you'll have to take a complete protein supplement.  If you are doing vegetarian collagen what that really means is you're taking the amino acid building blocks for collagen, and that's awesome.  Just make sure you're also taking hyaluronic acid, vitamin C that will help support your GI tract for better intestinal health.  And when there's better intestinal health, your overall health is better.  

DR. ANNA TOKER: all grains are inflammatory, in particular wheat. Whole wheat is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself

What the hell are people talking about when they say, "eat whole grain foods"?

Hey, it's Dr. Anna Toker, your friendly neighborhood colorectal surgeon.  And I know people are pushing you to eat whole grains because it sounds hearty, and they use the blood sugar argument: whole grains are less likely to spike your blood sugar compared to processed or bleached type grain material.  Here's the problem: all grains are inflammatory, in particular wheat.  Whole wheat is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself because of a protein called gluten, and more importantly, a protein component called gliadin which is always inflammatory in everyone, and the problem is almost all grains, including oats and quinoa and things that you would do on a gluten-free diet, contain proteins that are very similar to gliadin and can also stimulate your intestines to make a toxin called zonulin.  So when you consume a grain whether it's a whole grain or a processed grain, don't matter, any grain will cause this inflammatory response.  That toxic molecule called zonulin that your body naturally makes in response to the presence of these grains is likely the leading cause for almost all chronic human illness, and that's because it causes leaking of the microscopic membrane of the intestinal tract which leads to autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, and, yes, likely even cancer.  The first step in that process is a destruction of your blood sugar control, so any grain, whole grain or not, is damaging your body's ability to control its blood sugar, and long-term that damages your health.  So to live longer, to live better, to avoid chronic illness, get the grains out of your life.

Find more insights from Dr. Anna M. Toker at Instagram.

Must-watch, chilling interview of Barry Jennings.  Starts @ 6:18. 

In 2001, Barry Jennings was the Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York City Housing Authority. After being called to World Trade Center Building 7 to help coordinate the emergency response on the morning of 9/11, he was trapped in the building for hours by a series of explosions that—according to the official government conspiracy theory—never happened. This is his story.  

In an interview with BBC, Jennings clarified that he stepped over dead bodies as he escaped WTC 7, but did not actually see them.  This may be difficult testimony for a jury to comprehend.  He did, however, continue to assert that explosions occurred in the building.  --Dennis P. McMahon,

Jennings passed at 53 in 2008, just 7 years after 9/11.  

"World Trade Center 7, the Solomon Building, collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings," Shyam Sunder.  That's the official story.  Stories about explosions and controlled demolition are the ones that officials are trying to suppress.  

Official narratives require serious obstruction of investigations

Army personnel as deep state vandals?  

In October of 2007, a letter was written to Dr. William F. Marcuson, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), by Professor Raymond B. Seed of the of the UC Berkeley department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Professor Seed was very concerned about the ASCE and obstruction of the investigation into the breakage of levees in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. That obstruction was coordinated by Dr. Paul Mlakar of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), who claimed that his assignment was to "spar" with the independent investigators.

Mlakar is well known by independent investigators, as he was one of the four engineers who conducted the FEMA "investigation" into the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The other three were Gene Corley, Charles Thornton, later of the NIST WTC Advisory Committee, and Mete Sozen, who has been a leading spokesman for the official story about the WTC. 
Mlakar also led the ASCE investigation at the Pentagon after 9/11, along with Sozen.

Professor Seed, who led one of the independent investigations into the breaking of the levees in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, claimed that Paul Mlakar obstructed his investigation. Below are some relevant quotes from the letter, but the entire letter is well worth reading. 

Keep reading.


DR. MICHAEL NEHLS: if it activates the immune system of the brain, it shuts down the function of the mental immune system and shuts down the production of nerve cells that should be produced in order for us to have mental energy, to think, to have a high level of resilience, to be curious, and even to be able to have doubt about things that are happening

there is sufficient evidence that shows that once it enters the brain it activates the immune system in the brain.  And if it activates the immune system of the brain, it shuts down the function of the mental immune system [in the hippocampus]. It shuts down the production of nerve cells that should be produced in order for us to have mental energy, to think, to have a high level of resilience, to be curious, and even to be able to have doubt about things that are happening. --Dr. Michael Nehls

I don't want to call it a vaccine, it's a spiking program.  It's delivering the mRNA of the spike protein . . . 

I call it an experimental gene therapy.

Yeah, that's what it is fundamentally, but practically speaking it delivers the spike protein to all of our cells.  I mean the mRNA, eventually the spike protein, and particularly a modified spike version, a version of the spike protein, after the cleavage that takes place after this bio-weaponizing introduction of the furin cleavage site, you have this S1 supplement, and the S1 supplulent is able to transverse into the brain, over the blood brainer, BBB.  And here it's clearly shown and there is sufficient evidence that shows that once it enters the brain it activates the immune system in the brain.  And if it activates the immune system of the brain it shuts down the function of the mental immune system. It shuts down the production of nerve cells that should be produced in order for us to have mental energy, to think, to have a high level of resilience, to be curious, and even to be able to have doubt about things that are happening.  So that is shut down by this spike protein, and it was known already in 2007, 2008 from another SARS-CoV-1 virus that made this possible.  And the modifications they made by infusing the spike, the furin cleavage site into the spike protein allowed essentially now to have a more efficient bioweapon essentially targeting the brain. 

Dr. Michael Nehls explains that there are countermeasures to brain deterioration.  Vitamin D3 first and foremost.  Remember that magnesium needs to accompany the D3 for it to work.  Give a listen @ the 6:22.

The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom, Michael Nehls, Naomi Wolf, 2023.