Thursday, May 30, 2024

"We will bomb Shifa Hospital, all the hospitals, all the tunnels, and kill them all. It's about time. We are the center of the world now," Mother of IDF soldier.

7:13 Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest 44:10 Israel's Operation Cyanide and Plans for a Nuclear Attack on Egypt 1:03:44 Israel's First 9/11 and the War of Terror 1:31:04 Do We Live in a Democracy? 1:53:17 Israel's Puppet Show 1:54:19 Israel's Second 9/11 & the Israeli/U.S. Genocide in Gaza

1939, "Palestine was hardly Britain's to give away," a young JFK wrote in a 1939 letter to his father.  He further remarked, "After all the country has been Arabic for the last few hundred years."  

Washington is Israel's most subservient colony Gilad Atzmon

The government has been taken over.  The date I say it was concrete there was a coup and we lost our government was November 22nd 1963, the assassination of Kennedy.  --Ron Paul


"I think Americans largely get it they know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are," Benjamin Netanyahu

On 9/11, why was this Israeli woman smiling?  "Well, um, it's a big catastrophe, and I'm Israeli and I hope that now people understand what we have to deal with, the kind of people that we're dealing with on a day-to-day basis it's just a catastrophe."

One of Benjamin Netanyahu's closest friends, Larry Silverstein, a major Zionist financier of Israel who is deeply connected to numerous Israeli terrorist leaders such as Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon leased the World Trade Center shortly before 9/11 in July of 2001 for a mere $14 million.  When the Twin Towers collapsed in controlled demolitions using nano-thermite, engineered by Israel's Mossad.

Mossad's logo states "By way of deception Thou shalt make war."

Silverstein worked through his buddy, Elliott Spitzer, pro-Israel zionist governor of New York to use an insurance scam that pocketed him a $4.5 billion windfall.

The incredible true story of the most daring Zionist theft since the theft of Palestine in 1948 and the theft of U.S. nuclear weapons materials 1957-1967. 

"Elliott Spitzer got me the $4.5 billion.  We got very, very lucky.  It was very, very good for the family, very good for us, and we were very, very fortunate," Larry Silverstein.

"We are benefiting from one thing and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq," the Israeli Maariv newspaper quoted Benjamin Netanyahu as saying in April 2008.  He reportedly added that these events swung American public opinion added that these events "swung American public opinion in Israeli in Israeli favor."

Israel's main strategic goal with Operation 911 was to spread panic and to terrorize the public into hating Arabs and Muslims . . . 

HANDMADE SIGN READS: All I need to know about Islam I learned on 9/11.  

. . . so that Americans would support perpetual Middle East Wars on behalf of Israel.  What is the truth about Al-Qaeda, who is blamed for 9/11 and the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS?  Both were created by Israel's Mossad and the CIA who used them as puppets to deceive the public and fabricate phony justifications for U.S. wars primarily to advance Israel's goal to create a Middle East Empire.

"from the Jordan River to the Middle East, that's all ours.  It was promised to us.  There is no Palestinian Nation," mother of IDF soldier.

"It's a fight between the good and the bad, the Good and the Evil," Israeli soldier.

"We will bomb Shifa Hospital, all the hospitals, all the tunnels, and kill them all.  It's about time.  We are the center of the world now," Mother of IDF soldier.

Here is former CIA Director and U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, dancing with the Israeli Army, apparently to celebrate the joint Israeli/U.S. genocide in Gaza.  

Israeli state-owned broadcaster Kan, November 19, 2023, published a video of Israeli school children celebrating Gaza genocide with the following lyrics.

In another year, there will be nothing there.  Within a year we will annihilate everyone to annihilate the swastika bears.

Israel has been planning the total expulsion genocide and subjugation of the Palestinian people for many years.  In February 2008, Israeli General Matan Vilnai threatened Palestinians in Gaza with a bigger Holocaust.  In 2017, Israeli Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich unveiled Israel's blueprint to create genocide against the Palestinians in the Decisive Plan, also known as the Subjugation Plan.  When asked if he intended to slaughter entire Palestinian families women and children, "In war, as in war."

"This teenager lost 13 family members of her family."

"Everyone knows that would happen on October 7th 2023 was an Israeli setup," Hasidic Jew.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

1986 Challenger Astronauts Still Alive . . .

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I know who's going to win in November. I must be clairvoyant

Canadian Public Health Officials deciding on how best to put you in a concentration camp

Dr. Donald Sheppard is the more enthusiastic monster in the group, but maybe second only to Dr. Jessica Hopkins.  How full of herself does she have to be, or Canada for that matter, to adorn titles such as these, "Dr. Jessica Hopkins, Chief Health Protection and Preparedness Officer, Public Health Ontario." These people want to lock you up over an imaginary bug.

LTC Edgreen: Weapons that “make people feel like they’re crazy." Rumors work just as well