Monday, May 13, 2024

WINSTON MARSHALL: Populism is not a threat to democracy, but democracy itself. Nancy Pelosi objects.

Still checking but it looks like Winston Marshall's speech was given on May 8, 2024, before the Oxford Union Society.  The topic of his speech Winston Marshall speaks in opposition to the motion that "This House Believes Populism is a Threat to Democracy."

Man with cancer in 11 bones in his body was told "there's really nothing else we can do." Was in remission a few months later. Why would an anti-parasitic drug like Ivermectin work on cancer?

UH-OH: This video will explain why Boeing 767s did not fly into the Twin Towers

What is Project Bluebeam

CHASE HUGHES on factors that decide the leader in an interaction

Use this link in case the video is removed.  

So, the officer is being kind and explaining way more than he is required to explain, and I think that's a bad thing that has gotten into a lot of people now like I need to explain everything to these people.  But he's also defending his actions.  He's explaining himself but he's also matching her volume and her tone.  He's essentially getting into an argument.  And I admire this guy's composure, but, in this instance, keep in mind, that two people who have never met will automatically and unconsciously decide who is the leader in that interaction.  This will almost always come down to two factors: number one is the person who's least reactive to the other person; number two is the person with the most composure.  Keep that in mind not just for this video but for your whole life.

WHISTLEBLOWER & FORMER EPA, DR. RENEE JOY DUFEULT: Her the book, "Unsafe at Any Level," revealed unacceptable levels of mercury in high fructose corn syrup, used in many infant formulas

Serendipitously, Dr. Dufault found undisclosed mercury residues in high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) samples collected by FDA law enforcement officers.  The FDA had commanded her to stop her investigation.  After her voluntary retirement from the FDA, she continued her work exposing this largely unknown national crime.

CEO @ GMO Science, Dr. Michelle Perro, discusses infant formula and heavy metal toxicity in her article, "Hacked!" January 24, 2024.  

On January 5, 2024, our website, went down.  In the past 10 years since its inception, this has never occurred.  What has changed?

A raw nerve was touched.  Perhaps, it is the 1.4-billion-dollar infant formula industry that doesn’t want its products exposed for heavy metals?  Speculation, of course.   This is the first foray by our nonprofit into the research arena.  Possibly, we may have stepped on some toes.

A Bit of History

The EPA passed the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) in 1976, amended by President Obama in 2016.  The EPA has the authority to restrict certain exposures to the public, excluding foods.  However, heavy metals were not excluded.

The EPA will be required to act via their own compliance ordinance (TSCA) if indeed we expose heavy metals in the only source of sustenance for many infants; formula.

In 2017, I became familiar with the book, Unsafe at Any Level by Dr. Renee Joy Dufault, whistleblower, and previous US Public Health Service Officer working for the FDA. (1)

Serendipitously, Dr. Dufault found undisclosed mercury residues in high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) samples collected by FDA law enforcement officers.  The FDA had commanded her to stop her investigation.  After her voluntary retirement from the FDA, she continued her work exposing this largely unknown national crime.

The good news is that the amount of per capita consumption of HFCS has gone down over the past 19 years.  However, Americans are still consuming approximately 40 pounds of HFCS per year (2)

A good read to the end . . .