Saturday, May 11, 2024

1:50. Glyphosate is introduced at 1:50.  Glyphosate is categorized as an antibiotic, the etymology of which translates to "anti-life."  It's a molecule that you use every single day either directly or indirectly and glyphosate is a very close cousin to Agent Orange it's called an organophosphate by a small company you've never heard of, called Monsanto.  They used it for warfare during the Vietnam War to kill the trees, to defoliate the jungles so that pilots could see the Vietcong, and to shoot them with small caliber weapons to try to disable/incapacitate them so they have to take care of their injured.  It turns out that word got out in the 1970s that there was not a demand for this chemical they had been making, and they knew that it caused cancer.  So they looked for an organophosphate of the same family that was less toxic than Agent Orange.  And this one happened to be patented back in the 1950s, 1959 by a Japanese researcher who made the chemical and patented it and they started buying it up and then we're going to find some use for this chemical, and when they first did it they thought it's going to be really brilliant for cleaning deposits from calcified pipes, basically a biochemical roto-rooter and clean things out.  In 1974, it didn't get patented as a weed killer, but it did make it into Round-Up as the most active ingredient and became the most successful weed killer on earth.  Your community is spraying it on roadsides, and parks, and that chemical has never been patented as a weed killer; it's been patented as an antibiotic.  So now we've got a chemical, that we're spraying worldwide to kill weeds yet it's actually glyphosate, an antibiotic and we're killing the microbiome of the soil we spray that on, which means we're going to start to grow plants that are deficient in nutrients because the microbiome of the plant, just like in the human, it's what feeds us.  

Whatever you are grateful for grows. If you focus on what scares you and how bad everything is, that grows

People talk about the gospel as "Good News."  Have you heard the Good News?  It's all going to be okay.  Jesus said not to be afraid 365 times in the Bible.  Don't be afraid.  Be grateful.  Ask and you shall receive.  Seek and ye shall find.  Some Christians have all the negativity of being Christian but they don't get any of the good stuff out of it.  Like they're not grateful, they're always afraid, always bitching, and that's the irony of modern Christianity.  You're not seeing the joy that comes from it, like just a simple choice you can make.  And you don't have to be like Christian.  Have you heard all the good news?  Ask and you shall receive.  Dude, it's f*cking true, man.  Sorry for swearing.  

You go, California!

LATYPOVA: In all seriousness, mammograms produce 10 to 1 false positives. It is a trap. Do not do any cancer screening tests if you are not ill.

4,200 Joshua trees are scheduled to be removed are replaced by solar panels for the Aratina Solar Project near Boron, CA in June of this year

Communists want to destroy our cultural treasures, our national treasures, and environmental treasures