Friday, May 3, 2024

Opinions are not crimes

When the USDA's own data shows that the average return to feeding cattle in America is a negative $24 per head per month for the past 23 years.

our sister industry the hog industry, for example, four decades ago, there were over 600,000 independent hog producers scattered all across America. Today, we've wiped out 9 out of every 10 of them. Now we're down to 60,000. And so there's an industry that is now vertically integrated. So vertically integrated means? This means that the meat packer owns the entire supply chain for the product. So he owns where they grow the hogs, where they butcher the hogs, where they sell the hogs, all the way up to the retailer.  
American Farmers Are “Reaching The Point Of No Return” Due To US Gov Allowing Foreign Countries To Own Our Meat Industries They’re averaging negative $24 per head & will soon be OUT OF BUSINESS “The largest pork producer in the United States of America is Chinese-owned.

We're paying to fight ourselves.
We’re paying to destroy our own industry,
When the USDA's own data shows that the average return to feeding cattle in America is a negative $24 per head per month for the past 23 years. We're reaching the point of no return. Yes. When it's game over. We're at a tough point because we're losing so many small farms and ranchers and yet we have to change it back even if we were to start today and go we could change anything we wanted overnight and change these rules to apply back competition it's going to take a lot of time and money and effort to change the industry back to where it's competitive and works a little bit more even playing field isn't it? We're reaching the point of no return when it's game over and if you look at our sister industry the hog industry for example four decades ago there were Over 600,000 independent hog producers scattered all across America. Today, we've wiped out nine out of every 10 of them. Now we're down to 60,000. And so there's an industry that is now vertically integrated. So vertically integrated means? This means that the meat packer owns the entire supply chain for the product. So he owns where they grow the hogs, where they butcher the hogs, where they sell the hogs, all the way up to the retailer. And the largest pork producer in the United States of America is Chinese-owned, Smith Field Farms.

Which should be alarming to consumers as well. It should be alarming, yes. We're not going to reverse that hog industry because it has become so vertically integrated and concentrated and controlled. But what we can do is prevent that from happening to the cattle industry.” 

THE UKRAINE: A 10-year fight between George Soros and Vladimir Putin?

“I’m on Social Security, 68 years old, and working just to pay my taxes. My property taxes were $895 a year. Now, my property taxes are approaching $8,000 a year over . . ."

The UK Will Deport Migrants to Rwanda

The European Union is making it extremely difficult for the UK to free itself of taxpayer-subsidized residents. Migrants in the UK are now fleeing to neighboring Ireland, where they are under the control of the EU courts and cannot forcibly remove migrants.  --Martin Armstrong

Thank you to Jerri Lynn Ward.  And to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally has the power to bypass the European Union courts and tackle the UK’s migrant crisis.  About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. It is believed that the UK was forced to admit an astounding 60,000 undocumented illegal immigrants in 2022. These numbers are completely unsustainable economically. Sunak has finally passed a bill to deport a fragment of these illegal residents to Rwanda.

Now Rwanda is receiving 370 million pounds over the next five years for permitting a fraction of the UK’s refugees to relocate there. At the moment, the UK is only expected to deport 5,700 illegal migrants to Rwanda – which may sound like a grand number but is insignificant compared to how many have found their way onshore. Home Office Health Secretary
Victoria Atkins admitted that many of the cohorts have stopped reporting and will need to be tracked down. The government would like the first wave of flights to begin in as little as 10 weeks.

The European Union is making it extremely difficult for the UK to free itself of taxpayer-subsidized residents. Migrants in the UK are now fleeing to neighboring Ireland, where they are under the control of the EU courts and cannot forcibly remove migrants. 

Here is your looming civil war. 

Micheal Martin, the Irish deputy prime minister, has blamed the Rwanda policy for a recent uptick in unwanted residents. How bad is the issue? Nearly 80% of recent migrants to Dublin have crossed over from the UK. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris is asking the European Union for permission to deport them back to the UK.

“We’re not, I’m not interested in [returned migrants]. We’re not going to accept returns from the EU via Ireland when the EU doesn’t accept returns back to France where illegal migrants are coming from,” Sunak stated, later adding, “I’m focused squarely on getting our Rwanda scheme up and running. I want the deterrent which will say that if you come to our country illegally, you will not be able to stay and you will be removed either to your own country if it’s safe or Rwanda.”

Chris Heaton-Harris, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, correctly explained that in order for Ireland to conduct a massive deportation operation, the EU courts would be required to allow ALL EU nations to deport illegal migrants. “If this legislation is, as I believe it is and I’ve been assured it is, just setting us back in time to where we were and what we were dealing with, then I’m comfortable with that,” Heaton-Harris said. “But we are fully behind implementing our Rwanda scheme.”

Why should the UK be forced to negotiate with the unelected officials in Brussels regarding domestic matters? Ireland should place blame on Brussels for permitting open border policies that have threatened the entire bloc’s national security. Brexit has been This is yet another reason why the creation of the European Union has been an utter failure. Independent nations are no longer independent. They cannot base their policies on their own nation’s best interests and instead are forced to bend to the wills of Brussels.