Monday, April 8, 2024

The technologies are ambivalent in and of themselves, but when you put them in the hands of a group that is this evil and is so intent on complete domination of humankind then you have a real problem. 

The broad subject that I wanted to discuss was the concept of lifetime actors and how that fits in with culture creation and how nothing is really as it is presented to us.  So I've come to grudgingly accept pretty much anything that happens within popular culture is manipulated by the "hidden hand," and as I say, a great many of these icons and heroes in entertainment and culture generally are not who we think they are.  And I do find that delving into their genealogy and their ancestral backgrounds can often give clues as to their real nature and the real reason for them having to been elevated to household names

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MUST-LISTEN: The Best Expose on Who in the White House Authorized the School Closures, the Economic Destruction, and Other COVID-related Disasters

[Dr. Debra Birx] simply reused the playbook she'd run [in Africa] to fight AIDS [here in the U.S. to fight COVID].

One point that Montz made was that Fauci had little to do with the crushing policies implemented by Birx.  Maybe they were doing different work, but Fauci absolutely has blood on his hands.  How could he not?  I found that to be a major flaw in this mini-documentary along with Montz's extended laugh in his interview with Tyler Goodspeed.

People don't understand actually who's responsibility things were.

It should frighten the American citizens to know who was actually in charge.  --Scott Atlas, Senior Policy Advisor

The untold story of subterranean power how a career bureaucrat seized control and engineered a disaster.

02:03. And she was proven incompetent and wrong on every single level.  Period.  --Scott Atlas

There was a chief engineer of this misery and it wasn't Anthony Fauci this was how a president was toppled without a shot fired December 2019 a new killer virus emerges from the East and the World Health Organization provides the first official estimate of the disease's deadliness, a 3% infection fatality rate.

APRIL 24th, 2020

Amateur public Health guidance?

03:50. Introduction to Debra Birx.  Spent her career in the medical wing of the U.S. Army.

At PEPFAR, Birx works with Yen Pottinger, former CDC Microbiologist, who is the wife of Matthew Pottinger, Deputy National Security Advisor, and goes on to serve in the Trump White House.  When COVID hits, the White House establishes a special task force called the President's Coronavirus Task Force, run by Vice President Mike Pence, who scrambles to find a public health expert to serve on it.  Pottinger recommends Birx.  In February 2020, Dr. Deborah Birx officially joins the White House COVID task force.  She's the coordinator, meaning she and she alone writes its medical advice.  Just one month earlier, the State Department released a vast investigation into Birx's management of PEPFAR, President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.  It's stuffed full of complaints people describe her as dictatorial they say her decisions are made without clear rationale other than "I told you to."  They say that she "does not listen to feedback" and simply issues threats and that she sets targets that are not reasonable and "draws conclusions that lead down the wrong path."

5:46. Dr. Birx is a highly respected person I've gotten to know her very well over the last 6 days. 

MARCH 2020.  Her first task on the task force is formulating the official White House COVID guidelines, which tells State Governors how to fight this virus.  "Every mayor and every governor should be instituting these guidelines."  And so history turns to Dr. Birx.  What comes out of her brain?  CoV-AIDS.  She simply reuses the playbook she'd run to fight AIDS.

She was falling back on her experience, and basically telling the room, "No one else has had the experience because I've had because I've been leading PEPFAR for AIDS in Africa.  --Paul Mango, Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from 2019-2021

6:42. CoV-AIDS.  


AIDS has a sky-high fatality rate for anyone who contracts it.  Birx assumes it's the same for COVID. But you can't predict who is going to get the severe illness.  [With mask on] this is a serious threat no matter what your age.


A major priority in Africa was preventing transmission to children.  Birx takes the same approach with COVID.  "Young people are getting infected and hospitalized," and protecting kids requires shutting down the main hub of new infections, schools.  "When the schools close, they prevent the transmission of all those respiratory diseases."  

She had her hands on the controls of anything coming out of the CDC.  They gave guidance that said "There's a likelihood that schools being open will further spread the virus . . ."  Well, any superintendent that's looking at is saying I ain't gonna get sued."


You start with at zero as we did with HIV.  Zero new infections, zero deaths.  I think our goal should be zero hospitalizations and zero deaths.  I don't accept less.  I'm not a less acceptor.  --Dr. Debra Birx.

And in March 2020, all 50 states with the CoV-AIDS Playbook, shutting down society.  

We've issued the guidelines, and frankly every state in America has embraced those guidelines at a minimum.  --former VP Mike Pence.

In May 2020, concerns about CoV-AIDS begins to bubble up from within the White House. 

Tyler Goodspeed . . . I was acting Chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisors.

Rob Montz:  How frequently are you seeing the President by summer 20/20?

I'm probably seeing the President once a week.  

Are you sitting in meetings of the Coronavirus Task Force? 


All of them? 

Not all of them.  

But a lot of them? 

A lot of them.  We were in a meeting in the Roosevelt Room with Dr. Birx and others, and she said, "So how's the economy doing?" to which I said, "Not well."  [Laughter from interviewer.] And her reaction was a deep sigh . . . .  We're getting the biggest job loss in U.S. history, increased depths of despair from 44 million Americans becoming unemployed, and the consequences of lost childhood learning. 

9:35  The President himself starts openly questioning the lockdowns.  He tweets [on April 17, 2020], 




We're not doing any more shutdowns  

But what the producers of this documentary leave out is this

April 22: Flanked by his advisors Fauci and Birx, Mr. Trump says that he “strongly disagrees” with Gov. Kemp’s decision to reopen Georgia

Question is, how do I get a copy of timestamped transcripts of that meeting?

It was clear that the President wanted a broader base of advisors.  This isn't AIDS, and this isn't Africa.  I became the intermediary that set up the session with Scott [Atlas] and the President.

10:08  Scott Atlas.  Do you have any   


Scott Atlas was one of the first people in the country to point out the obvious: every case was not a killer.  It was obvious after 5 minutes that the numbers about the fatality rate were wrong.  The infection fatality rate, according to the World Health Organization of 3.4%, means that more than 3 out of 100 people who get infected are going to die.  That was not true.  Certainly people who were old to the infection fatality was very high, but for people under 70, it was something like .05%, which means that 99.95% of people are going to survive.

11:50. COVID is very serious for a certain group of people

21:28  DECEMBER 2020

At the end of the year, CoV-AIDS remains the official White House policy.  Most governors continue to pursue zero cases at any cost.  

They destroyed everybody to stop cases of COVID and it destroyed millions of people.  That is the legacy of the Birx guidance.


And we have too many states that are locked down right now.  The governors are . . . nobody knows what the governors are doing actually.  --President Donald Trump

Most states continue to focus on kids and shut down their schools.  


We have an explosion of anxiety, and depression in high school and college-aged kids, an explosion of drug abuse; that's all from school closures.  That has absolutely nothing to do with the infection.  --Scott Atlas

Get the kids back to school.  We've got to get the kids back to school.  --President Donald Trump

Most states continue to treat COVID as an equal-opportunity killer and fail to protect the high-risk elderly.

I was advocating personally for a marked increase in protecting the elderly.  They failed to protect the elderly.  Birx failed.  Scott Atlas

The disease Debra Birx was fighting does not exist. You were forced to live a fiction, a state-sponsored religion.  And President Donald Trump was toppled without a shot fired, the victim of a casual coup.  He can certainly perform that helpful man of action.  But when he got power the first time, he let someone so sleight just take it from him.  

The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.  That's what's happening.  And he wants to close down, he'll close down the country if one person in our massive bureaucracy says "We should close it down."  --President Donald Trump

And this [the U.S. Constitution] is just a piece of paper, a historical curiosity, an interesting artifact from the past.  this isn't how power works in Washington.  This is how this woman, Debra Birx, used the 4th Branch to take down a president and flatten a country.  

9/11 Commission suspected deception by the Pentagon

6 out of the 10 commissioners, Kean and Hamilton, as well as Bob Carey Tim Roemer John Lehman and Max Cleland have all expressed concern that the commission was misled, stymied, hampered by conflicts of interest, and ultimately forced to participate in a politically motivated cover-up.  In their book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 911 Commission and in press conferences and interviews at the time the report was released, Kean and Hamilton famously remarked that "the commission had been set up to fail."

Ten 9/11 Commissioners

Thomas H. Kean, Chair 

Lee H. Hamilton, Vice Chair

Richard Ben-Veniste 

Fred F. Fielding  

Jamie S. Gorelick 

Slade Gorton  

Bob Kerry

John F. Lehman

Timothy J. Roemer

James R. Thompson

Max Cleland, 1942-2021, was originally appointed to serve on the 9/11 commission but resigned shortly after having been appointed to the board of directors of the export-import Bank of the United States before his resignation he said that the Bush Administration was stonewalling and blocking the committee's access to key documents and Witnesses.

00:42. Even Lee Hamilton the co-chair of the 9/11 commission itself admits to us that the process he headed up was seriously flawed.
So there are all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail we got started late we had a very short time frame indeed we had to get it extended we did not have enough money they were afraid we were going to hang somebody.
Kean, 01:07.  But it was very difficult.   Lee and I write in our book that we think the Commission, in many ways, was set up to fail.

01:16. As it turns out, the majority of the commissioners felt that the Commission had been lied to, deliberately obstructed, undermined by the White House, or set up with staff that had conflicts of interest in the investigation.  One of these concern commissioners Max Cleland resigned because the commission had been "deliberately compromised by the president of the United States."  

Commissioner John Lehman meanwhile admitted on NBC Nightly News that the commission had to go through Karl Rove and other senior White House members to access key documents in their investigation and that "We purposely put together a staff that had in a way conflicts of interest," stressing lest there be any doubt that "All of the staff had to a certain extent some conflicts of interest."  


Commission members even considered bringing criminal charges against Pentagon officials who had deliberately lied to them about the military's complete lack of response on that day.

Sunday, April 7, 2024