Thursday, March 21, 2024

RANCOURT: The Zionist regime is an abomination

What do you call this, Israel has a right to defend itself?  And just as Palestine has Hamas, an Israeli creation by the way, Israel has Zionists.  What is Israel trying to do, compete with the U.S.?


LATYPOVA: . . . for practical purposes, homocide, as long as it's committed by the vaccine approved by CDC, is legal.

the laws have been amended and new ones have been introduced such that we have this now what she characterizes as the perfect legal cage in which nobody needs to be in on anything and no real corruption is really necessary.  --Sasha Latypova

So the laws have been amended and new ones have been introduced such that we have this now what she characterizes as the perfect legal cage in which nobody needs to be in on anything and no real corruption is really necessary.  Because for practical purposes, homocide, as long as it's committed by the vaccine approved by CDC, is legal.  That's the net effect of these laws.  So the combination of public health emergency declaration, and use of EUA countermeasures, which only exist under active public health emergency declaration, which is the PREP Act Declaration, issued by HHS Secretary.  So as long as they use those, they can kill and injure as many people as they want.  And they can never be prosecuted because they've been given almost blanket liability protection with this PREP Act with the exception of willful misconduct.  And the way that willful misconduct is defined in their legal opinion letters published on their website.  It says that as long as you follow our orders, it's not willful misconduct.  In fact, they are prosecuting people for not following HHS orders, for not using Remdesivir that shuts down kidneys and kills people, for not using ventilators, for not doing all those atrocities.  If they refuse, they get prosecuted.  But if they don't refuse it and follow the orders, it's not willful misconduct and you can't really prosecute . . . .

RICHARD CAGE: Virtually symmetric destruction on all four sides of the South Tower on 9/11. Does that resemble a natural collapse?

GAD SAAD: The most dangerous force in nature is a parasitized human mind. Human misery and possibly human extinction is largely driven by ideological rapture

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Officers Drive Over 100 miles To Harass American Citizen Who Attended A Virginia Pro Gun Rally