Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A notorious neocon and protege of Dick Cheney, Nuland led the Obama administration's overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2014, leading to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Victoria Nuland's replacement, John Bass, former Ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the U.S. withdrawal from the country.

When you think pasteurized, think processed. Pasteurization destroys enzymes that break down milk proteins. These proteins can get into your blood and cause an immune response, or allergies

Most dairy products found in your local grocery stores are pasteurized from cheeses to yogurt to milk to Keifer to cream and half & half for your coffee.  We seek out dairy for the beneficial bacteria to build and create healthy gut bacteria.  This is not an easy process once we've lost beneficial bacteria, like bifidobacteria, from injuries, diseases, or poor diet.  

Wejolyn points out that pasteurization

destroys enzymes, denatures antimicrobial and immune stimulating components, diminishes nutrient availability, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin C, B6 & B12, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens & is associated with allergies, increased. 

That's a bit of damage.  So is it worth it to just pick up that package of goat cheese with herb at the deli section of your grocery chain?  

Check out dairy products that are not pasteurized.

And that's after 2 weeks.  The dairy fats hold and don't break down, which means the nutrition is preserved.  In fact, according to Lee Dexter, it's pasteurization that is responsible for people having milk or dairy allergies.  How, why?  

According to Lee Dexter, microbiologist and owner of White Egret Farm goat dairy in Austin, Texas, ultra-pasteurization is an extremely harmful process to inflict on the fragile components of milk. Dexter explains that milk proteins are complex, three-dimensional molecules, like tinker toys. They are broken down and digested when special enzymes fit into the parts that stick out. Rapid heat treatments like pasteurization, and especially ultra-pasteurization, actually flatten the molecules so the enzymes cannot do their work. If such proteins pass into the bloodstream (a frequent occurrence in those suffering from “leaky gut,” a condition that can be brought on by drinking processed commercial milk), the body perceives them as foreign proteins and mounts an immune response. That means a chronically overstressed immune system and much less energy available for growth and repair.


CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 1: The Reality Is Only 2,350 Housing Units Will Be Available For Veterans Out Of $6.38 Billion Dollars, Costing Taxpayers $12 Billion After Interest

California Is Running Ads Trying To Get People To Vote To Pass Prop 1 With The Message It Will Help Veterans

The Reality Is Only 2,350 Housing Units Will Be Available For Veterans Out Of $6.38 Billion Dollars, Costing Taxpayers $12 Billion After Interest These People Are EVIL This is EXTREMELY SHADY marketing using Veterans to get people to vote on this bill with the promise veterans will be taken car of at the forefront Prop 1 also “builds mental health facilities and provides housing for the homeless” Those who oppose the bill say it’s all a lie: “Orange County Register, which called Prop 1 a “costly bureaucratic power grab that robs counties of mental health services funding and saddles taxpayers with $6.38 billion in debt.” “Please make sure you vote no on the absolute scam that is proposition 1. Personally seeing the governor pushing ads on YouTube claiming this proposition will help homeless veterans, but this is completely false. Prop 1 will only be able to produce 2,350 housing units for our homeless veterans out of $6.38 billion. You already know the state is fiscally irresponsible and by approving the proposition, you'd be authorizing the state to add $61 billion to its $80,000,000,000 bond debt. To pay back the additional $6 billion in debt with interest, it will cost the taxpayers $12 billion And you know what Democrats will do? They'll just say, oh, let's raise taxes to pay that interest. Prop 1 will only give us 6,380 treatment centers and 4,350 housing units. By approving prop 1, you'd also be authorizing a blank check of $4,400,000,000 to build, quote, unspecified places for mental health and drug addiction treatment. Furthermore, the people building these places will have to be paid a prevailing wage increasing the cost significantly. And if you don't want drug addicts in your neighborhood, too bad because these projects will be streamlined and they won't have to go through a city council or a board of supervisors for a vote. And municipal governments will be spending a lot of their own money on these projects. Also, please take a minute to look at all the special interest pouring millions into this ballot measure. Make sure you share with your friends.”

[Homes] that would originally been a starter home about a decade or so ago are now for lease.

“Georgia's housing crisis. — 19,000 homes, not apartments, homes in the metro, are owned by 3 companies: Progress Residential, Invitation Homes, and Mainstreet Renewal. That's nearly 1 in every 9 houses up for rent and some entire suburban neighborhoods where corporations own it all.”

LAWFARE: First, Alex Jones; then Donald Trump; now, your Top Sirloin