Monday, March 4, 2024

GRESZLER: Social Security has grown so much it is actually to the detriment of lower-income workers . . . who have to pay such a large share of their paycheck to Social Security [with] little left to save for retirement

The title of this February 28, 2024 hearing is
I'm sure you'll be ecstatic to learn that Bernie Sanders chairs this committee hearing, which starts @ the 17:16 mark.  Rachel Greszler provides the lion's share of valuable answers. Alabama Senator, Tommy Tuberville, sits on the committee, and Mr. Stevenson answers with references to Secure 1.0 and 2.0.

They're admitting they know a huge number of people will die before ever seeing a single cent after paying into Social Security their whole lives.
This is all a scam. I mean, we got people that are getting ready to retire that's gonna try to live off $2k-$3k, Impossible. It's impossible. Because what happens, it comes up here, we spend it. We're $35 trillion in debt. We don't have any money. We're dead broke. And then taxpayers have $2 trillion in credit card debt. We are in huge trouble. In this body, we had better start figuring that out because we're gonna have a run on this city here soon, and there's gonna be about 150,000,000 people coming up here saying, where's our damn money that we paid in? I could've put my Social Security money, 40 years, in tax in in in the market and probably worth $8 to $10 million today, But the federal government wasted it. --Tommy Tuberville, (R) Senator, Alabama

And this from Rachel Greszler of The Heritage Foundation

1 out of 4 African American men will die between the ages of 45 64 after having paid into this system for decades, tens, if not 100 of 1,000 of dollars, and they get might get nothing back.”

Look at things like indexing life retirement age to life expectancy, more accurate inflation index. And I think that workers need an option to have their money in something that actually earns a positive rate of return and that can't just immediately be spent by Congress --Rachel Greszler

RACHEL GRESZLER, 01:13. I'd like to point out that when Social Security was first founded those who established it started out with a 2% tax and they said this would never take more than 6% of your income today it takes 12.4% and depending on whether you go CBO or Social Security trustees it needs to take between 15.8 and 17.5%, so we're talking about thousands of dollars more per year.  It also was actually only originally recommended that the tax be up to 66,000 equivalent in today's dollars earnings, but over time it has expanded massively and the money has been spent every year so where does everybody think this money has been set aside for me?  No, it hasn't.  For the past 13 years, every dollar that has gone out of workers paychecks has gone immediately to pay PROMISE (Promoting Readiness of Minors in SSI) benefits and that's what happens when you have a system that enables those in charge of it to spend the money in the immediate term and leave the buck to the next generation that's coming along.  And because Social Security has grown so much it is actually to the detriment of lower-income workers, in particular, who have to pay such a large share of their paycheck to Social Security and little left to save for retirement.  And then lower-income and African American workers have the lowest life expectancy so they are the most likely to get nothing back in return.  1 out of 4 African American men will die between the ages of 45 and 64 after having paid into the system for decades tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they might get nothing back.  

TUBERVILLE, 2:40. What's the solution?

GRESZLER, 2:41. I think ultimately we have to shift towards a universal benefit system.  That's what true social insurance is it does not make sense that we are paying the biggest benefits to the highest income earners so gradually over time I think we need to bend down the benefits for the middle-to-upper income earner and actually increase them for the lower income earners look at things like indexing life insurance retirement age to life expectancy more accurate inflation index and I think that workers need an option to opt their money in something that actually has a positive rate of return and they can't just immediately be spent by Congress.  

Jackie Goldberg Cited the Threat of Polio to Justify Mandating Vaccines in LAUSD

Weingarten is pro-gun control.  So she wants your children helpless.  

She has a meltdown about student debt.  Wow, she cares about so much, so many things, so many people, right?  Or is she just grifting to the federal government?

HUNGARY: highest influx of male youth criminal gangs in the shortest time in history.

PIMPING THE ILLEGAL INVASION: UN with the help of 248 NGOs is handing out $1.6 billion [in debit cards and cash] in 17 Latin American countries to illegal migrants

Hate America Being Invaded? Remember, The United Nations Confirmed They’re Facilitating The Illegal Immigrant Invasion & American Taxpayers Are Paying For It

Thank The UN πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ “They're facilitating it. They're paying for it. They're awarding these people for violating US law” “The UN, with the helping hands of 248 named nongovernmental organizations, is indeed giving debit cards to illegal migrants - funded, in large part, by US taxpayers” “The United Nations just released the 2024 interagency coordination platform for refugees and migrants from Venezuela. And it notes that a planning and budget document for handing out $1.6 billion in 17 Latin American countries, and it confirms finally that the United Nations, with the helping hands of 248 named nongovernmental organizations, the NGOs, is indeed giving debit cards to illegal migrants funded in large part by US taxpayers. That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as prepaid rechargeable debit cards, but also hard cash in envelopes, bank transfers, and mobile transfers the US border bound travelers can use for whatever they want. This is only one part of much broader UN hemisphere wide vision that aims to spend $1.59 billion assisting about 3 million people in 17 countries who immigrated from home nations. And keep in mind, that's just their budget for the coming year, and it's worse than this actually. They're facilitating it. They're paying for it. They're awarding these people for violating US law.”

The green dream is dying far beyond EVs. Megabanks are pulling out of these $68 trillion Climate Action Fund

If you haven't ditched your real car for an electric vehicle you are not the only one.  The EV dream is dying at least outside Tesla.  In short, nobody wants them not nearly enough to cover the billions of dollars that irresponsible car companies have poured into EVs to entertain left-wing journalists and Blackrock.  

A few months ago I mentioned that Ford was set to lose 5 and 1/2 billion dollars on EVS this year having already lost 5 billion dollars last year on the Unicorn farts percent age if they drop EVS all together.  Indeed, Ford recently announced their halting shipments of the much height Electric F-150 since dealers were refusing to accept trucks that they cannot sell.  Ford's now calling off a brand new battery factory that was supposed to create thousands of jobs in Michigan.  Meanwhile, Swedish car maker, Volvo, well Chinese car maker Volvo since 2010, said they are cutting off funding for their loss-making EV affiliate altogether.  Now, Volvo had been one of the earliest adopters of EVs even promising to stop making gasoline vehicles.  So, apparently that's done.  Renault canceled its EV IPO.  The shares of EV maker Pollstar have fallen 83%.  Hertz, the rental company, said it's dumping a third of its EVs; apparently they are too expensive and customers do not want them.  Even long time EV cheerleader, Consumer Reports, now concludes they have twice as many problems and are "less reliable than the old fashioneds." 

Incidentally Toyota is suddenly the smartest guy at the table after taking heat for years from environmentalists in the mainstream media for being evlaggards for being hopelessly wed to the outdated internal combustion engine insisting customers don't want EVS they want hybrids most and now Toyota's hybrid sales are rising almost 40%, and they don't have billions in EV losses to write off. This all sent Toyota stock price up 80%.  Now, as London's Financial Times, one of the fierce's critics, now sheepishly puts it, "Maybe Toyota was right all along."  

Meanwhile, those who did drink the Kool-Aid are dropping like flies.  In short, companies got bait and switched by government subsidies and left-wing journalists and now shareholders are paying the price.  When the dust settles, I imagine the only survivors  would be Tesla and its Chinese imitators, who will keep plowing through Beijing's free government money since they don't have to answer to voters.

The green dream is dying far beyond EVs.  Megabanks are pulling out of these $68 trillion Climate Action Fund; that's trillions with a "t."  Windmills are being canceled across the country or going bust.  Politicians are pretending they never heard of green, while the Wall Street Journal writes that "green is the latest dirty word in Corporate America."  Why?  Because when consumers have a choice, they say, No.  Unfortunately, that's only true where they do have a choice.  I've talked about incredible jumps and energy prices in failing regimes like Germany or California where green energy is being forced on consumers.  So if your utility goes green and jacks the price, you can't opt out even if the EV bloodbath is saying people don't want to go bankrupt paying for climate fairies.  Of course, Washington is years if not decades behind the curb.  Their lobbyists will keep pouring hundreds of billions of your money into Green Tech that nobody wants.  The cronies will make out as they have with every failed green project since Solyndra.  And given the sums involved, so a trillion and counting in the U.S. alone, we'll have a whole new generation of rust belts with a whole new generation of taxpayers on the hook for every last penny.