Saturday, February 24, 2024

Were [Paramilitary] Men In Black involved in 9/11?

Who is Patrick Dillon

"Anybody preventing access to the Fire Department in the event of a fire, that's a criminal act.  The Chief and I were not in a position to argue the point given the inequality in weaponry present." Richart Patterson, FDNY Fire Captain (Ret.)  

If you've got the stamina, you can listen/watch the full, 3-hour interview here.

"Jennifer Dailey-Provost [Utah-D] went so far as to assert that we couldn’t be “experts" on the subject because we were not from Utah???"

The bill isn't asking for any special privilege, not asking ranchers to modify anything whatsoever.  No, just asking the state of Utah to mandate labeling so that the consumer can make the choice himself if he's okay with CRISPR genes or not.  It's simple: it's a consent issue.   

sponsored by Utah Senator, Trevor Lee, to the Utah legislature HB0549 that would require labeling of meat that had received genetic vaccines, so the people of Utah [can] choose [if they want to take on] the risks of inadvertent secondary transfection using this technology to consumers, meat handlers and the environment are still being investigated.

Paid pharma shills for big AG came out in force and blatantly lied or asserted safety with no proof of such, in defense of not requiring labels. Jennifer Dailey-Provost [Rep.-D] went so far as to assert that we couldn’t be “experts" on the subject because we were not from Utah??? while deferring to FDA experts amongst other idiocy that had no basis in science! I hear she is a physician. 🤦‍♀️ It was an embarrassing show of paid influence with not one “against” referring to human health risk or risk to the environment, but only the money it would cost and ‘meat hesitancy’— if you can believe it and the hurdles this would require.

This bill was about requiring LABELS!!! People have the right to know whether they are working with or ingesting secondarily genetic vaccines which may still have transfection potential—-i.e., may cause the consumer to produce the antigen like spike protein or other viral or bacterial foreign antigen, or are at risk for DNA integration from the agent. The risks range from oncogenic [cancer-causing] risk from insertional mutagenesis to the uncontrolled production of antigens and “off target” proteins from using modMRNA and plasmids and autoimmune effects to neurological consequences and cardiac harm to passing these on to offspring with unknown consequence!

Meat handlers could be exposed to untold amounts of transfective agents and proteins which could pose a health risk.

Bacteria in the soil and animals up the food chain are exposed from fecal material and urine and farm waste.

Farm handlers are exposed through shedding of the gene therapies and direct contact with large amounts of the transfective agents directly.

There are hundreds of these gene therapies that have now been approved for use in the animals we ingest.

This must be investigated!!!

from Frontiers . . . 

CA voters approved & funded measures for new reservoirs in 2014. None have been built. We’ve had two very wet winters in a row.

But that's actually number one that the FDA, and every other regulator, has to approve is the manufacturing package.  It's called chemistry manufacturing control.  First, that has to be done.  After that, you can talk about safety and efficacy.  Because if you can't manufacture what you're saying your manufacturing, who cares about safety and efficacy?  We don't know what we're testing.  Yet all the big scientists all the big doctors all they talk about all day is safety and efficacy but nobody looks at the manufacturing.

Not just that you can make what you said you would make but that you can make it consistently when you go and swallow a Panadol what you call over there Tylenol you expect that pen at all to be the same product you swallowed the last time you're not expecting variability of that Panadol or else you wouldn't take it.  You're expecting a drug manufacturer to make the same product the same tablet, right?

Same vial same everything in my newt precise quantities in billions of doses so it needs to be extremely precise extremely consistent well characterized I was giving people the analogy and imagine if you go to the bar and get a beer and then next week you go to the same Pub and it's a thousand percent different beer either you know twice the alcohol or no alcohol or some other compound and flavor.  Well you might be dead of alcohol poisoning or maybe it was just water.

Yeah so it wouldn't be right so manufacturing is the big deal so you could see in that document that the EMA regulators

USA: Doctors and Scientists bail out of stolen pickup trucks, disappearing into Texas

The Archangel writes,

You can make the best argument, craft the most compelling video, contact the most influential politician, and this will not stop. Americans are not "up in arms." Americans have been neutered by 1/2 century of this kind of invasion.