Monday, February 19, 2024

World Trade Towers, 1973-2001, buildings underwent extensive elevator renovation in the 2 or 3 years prior to 9/11

Reports of the [World Trade Tower, 1973-2001] buildings undergoing an extensive elevator renovation in the 2 or 3 years prior to 9/11.  All kinds of workers had access to the cores of the building.  And on the day of the attack the elevator company [ACE Elevator?] would not assist in the operation of the elevators.  And the elevator company subsequently went out of business in a couple of years after that.  The information is out there.

Despite it being one of the largest most extensive renovation projects on the World Trade Center records for the retrofitting and rebuilding the elevators are missing.


The largest elevator modernization project in history is mentioned at the 11-minute mark.  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

National News Room

Virtual Private Network, VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network

VPN Apps. MullVad VPN, and Proton VPN.

Learn more about VPNs at Brockwell's YouTube channel.  

Decentralized Storage

FileCoin.  Marta Belcher, President of FileCoin Foundation. 
The Lbry Network. 
IPFS, Interplanetary FileSystem.

"because by doing this Americans either identify with shame, in which they'll surrender their rights"

The Beaver Wars, a series of conflicts fought intermittently during the 17th century in North America throughout 

the Saint Lawrence River valley in Canada and the Great Lakes region which pitted the Iroquois  against the Hurons, northern Algonquians and their French allies. As a result of this conflict, the Iroquois destroyed several confederacies and tribes through warfare: the Hurons or Wendat,  ErieNeutralWenroPetunSusquehannockMohican and northern Algonquins whom they defeated and dispersed, some fleeing to neighbouring peoples and others assimilated, routed, or killed.

Beaver hides had become a valuable commodity in trade with Europeans to the point where the native said basically decimated the local Beaver population the tribes would go to war to secure more territory and capture more beavers and the Iroquois would prove to be ruthless.  By the end of the war 90% of the Huron had been killed, the women and children.  The Susquehannock no longer existed.  The Erie no longer existed.  All three tribes genocided by the Iroquois.  But American schools don't teach what really happened because it goes against the Marxist agenda to separate people into camps of victims versus oppressors.  So the natives have to be the victims, and the Europeans have to be the oppressors because by doing this Americans either identify with shame, in which they'll surrender their rights, because they think they deserve it, or they identify as the victim and have no connection to the founding of America at all.