Saturday, January 20, 2024

PUT YOUR EYES ON THIS: Government healthcare providers were the muscle behind the vaccine mandates?

Read this and tell me how you don't come to the conclusion that government programs told healthcare providers to be the muscle behind the vaccine mandates.  Remember when you first got your corporate gig and thought, "Yeah, I've got decent healthcare benefits."  Where's the benefit actually?

Friday, January 19, 2024

71% less glyphosate after 6 days of eating Certified Organic food

"Food Deserts" Rise In Democrat Run Cities As Grocers Leave In Droves

Crime is not falling at all in leftist-run cities.  Crime rates rely on reports and arrests.  If leftist officials are making policies that discourage arrests and reporting, then crime rates go down – It's like magic.

Due to changes in the way data is being collated by the FBI during the COVID years, many major cities are not actually required to provide full crime rate information until 2024-2025, and quite a few are taking advantage (at least 30%).  San Francisco will not be reporting complete crime stats until 2025.   

This means that when Democrats argue that crime is going down (ostensibly because of their leadership), this is based on a false and incomplete picture of the data.  Lack of data, as mentioned, is also coupled with a lack of arrests, lack of prosecution, and the consistent release of repeat offenders in blue cities.  Lack of arrests and convictions does not mean there's less crime.  

Again, using San Francisco as an example, the police department's closure rate on cases remains dismal because the city's District Attorney refused to prosecute; for every 100 suspects arrested, three are charged and one is convicted.  Until he was recalled in a July 8, 2022, election, San Francisco’s DA was Soros-backed radical leftist Chesa Boudin.  The Soros connection is widely considered one of the prime indicators of crooked DA's and prosecutors, as well as high crime rates for a city.

Soros DAs run several other major prosecutorial offices, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, St. Louis, New York, Baltimore, Albuquerque, Orlando, and three urban counties in Northern Virginia.  In Massachusetts, Soros-backed federal prosecutor Rachael Rollins was forced to resign after the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General and the Office of Special Counsel released devastating reports outlining her serious ethical lapses and partisan political activity.  It's not surprising that wherever Soros influenced DAs and prosecutors run things, food deserts seem to follow. 

Once this dynamic of corruption is understood, it becomes clear why so many grocers and retailers are uprooting their stores and leaving.  It's no longer profitable to stay because Democrat city governments have chosen criminals over businesses.     

ALEX JONES: The people of the Earth are . . . coming for the Globalists . . . ?

Perhaps Jones overstates it.  The old socialist order is morphing into regional nations, what they're referring to as BRICS.  

Roberts is the president of the Heritage Foundation.  

Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D., was named President of The Heritage Foundation in October 2021. He succeeded former Heritage President Kay C. James as the seventh President in the organization’s 50-year history. In September 2023, Roberts was named President of Heritage Action for America and serves both organizations in a joint role.  

Thursday, January 18, 2024

RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, SERGEY LAVROV: Israel should not think that the suffering of Jews during World War II gives it free rein in foreign policy, particularly when it comes to the hostilities in Gaza, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

from the 21st Century Wire.

The foreign minister noted that Russia had immediately condemned the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7. However, after the hostilities began, some Israeli officials went so far as to call the residents of Gaza animals without facing any backlash from the West, he added.

Israelis can’t… now do anything they want because they suffered during World War II. Yes, there was the Holocaust, it was a terrible crime, but there was also the genocide of all peoples in the Soviet Union.

Lavrov added that the Soviet people had suffered no less as they were exterminated in the same Nazi concentration camps as the Jews, with both people dying from starvation side-by-side in besieged Leningrad.

“According to this logic, we can do whatever we want. That won’t work if we want to systematically uphold international law,” he added.