Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The people of Germany are lining the streets to cheer on the farmers

Germans rejecting Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum?

John Beaudoin: I have one million unredacted death certificates, about 500,000 from Massachusetts, 420,000 from Minnesota, and the balance comes from Vermont.

Learn more of John Beaudoin here.

So here is some real data that I got from Massachusetts.  I have one million unredacted death certificates, about 500,000 from Massachusetts, 420,000 from Minnesota, and the balance comes from Vermont.  Well, what happened on a year boundary when the vaccines were introduced, everything shifted to blood and circulatory, blood and circulatory deaths all of a sudden started going up.  They didn't go up when COVID-19 was around in 2020.  They all of a sudden started going up in 2021: acute post-hemorrhagic anemia, thrombocytopenia, cardia arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism.  And I can tell you about the individual cases.  Cassidy Baracka, 7, 2014-2022, from Groton, Massachusetts was injected on January 13th.  She reacted in 5 minutes, vomited for 8 to 10 hours.  Cassidy died on January 18th, four and a half days later.  You know what it says on her death certificate from Massachusetts?  "Complications of Coronavirus 19 viral infection" with no mention of the vaccine. Those are multiple federal felonies that the medical examiner, Steven Schwartz, committed on her death certificate.  Couple of days ago it was referred to the Attorney General of Massachusetts for criminal investigation.

Brianna Mary McCarthy, 1990-2021, 30-year-old mother of two, she reacted within hours with a headache.  She went to the ER, they said go home, you have a headache.  She was so bad she went to the ER again.  They said here's some Tylenol, go home.  She didn't recognize her sister.  So her family brought her in.  She had intracranial pressure, they cut a hole in her head, a craniotomy.  That didn't work because clots were all through her head.  They kept her on life support for a while after she had had a seizure that paralyzed half of her body. There about two and a half weeks before she died.  She was injected on March 30th 2021 and she died on April 15th.  This is the official date of death, but she was brain dead in a few days.  She was fatal post covid associated cerebral ischemia.  Translated to English means the vaccine killed her by stroke. Every paragraph in that report says the vaccine killed her by stroke. 

Two weeks before Briana was injected, Diane C. Dubois, 1959-2021, of New Bedford, MA, 62-years-old, died of acute intracranial pressure Γ¬n the setting of Thrombocytopenia.  It says in her death certificate but its not coded by the CDC, because the CDC they have a software called Transax and Acme that automatically reads the death certificate, the English words, and converts it into codes.  And the codes, they're international cause of death codes, ICD-10 codes.  Those codes are the only way that the public knows what's going on because that's how you track data.  Nobody's reading all the words that are in the death certificates.  

Solomon Awasum Kizitoh, 1958-2021, died at 62 years old in Boston, Massachusetts on January 16, 2021 idiopathic bronchial pneumonia in the setting of thrombocytopenia of a person vaccinated recently.  So it says it and it's coded, Y59.0 Viral vaccines, TAA.1.  The CDC however says that nobody died from the vaccine, we don't have any reports.  Yeah, because they turned off the software after that.  The others are, let's see,

"Reacted to the vaccine in 5 minutes. Didn't make it out of the clinic.  Dropped dead.  Cardiac arrest."  

That was not coded by the CDC.  This is called federal felony fraud omission.  When . . . we got kids getting injected.  I told you about Cassidy, Brianna was 30.  Oh, by the way, on Brianna's death certificate, it doesn't say the vaccine killed her, it says COVID killed her.  They lied again.  It's double fraud: fraud by omission, fraud of commission.

Ian Robert Shumaker, 2011-2022, was in Bellingham, Massachusetts, 11 years old, he got a vaccine, got a booster.  This was November of last year (2021?), the year, anyway he died on December 3rd, 2022.  The family donated his heart, and when they pulled it out they couldn't use it.  It was full of clots.  To not care about an 11-year-old child and listen to  testimony like that and just not pay attention, it kind of blows my mind that people can do that.

Thanks to Ann Forti, here is his full, 14-minute testimony.  

Monday, January 15, 2024

Inflation under control with Shrinkflation

DOES ANYONE COUNT THE COST ANYMORE? wind costs between 7 and 14 times more than fossils. And solar costs between 10 and 44 (!) times more.

The excess cost of these projects are not designed to provide people with energy.  The cost simply turns these politically correct projects into pet projects for the climate change crowd to say, "See.  See how efficient (NOT) this renewable is?"  And they're not even renewable, a complete misnomer.