Thursday, January 11, 2024

The First Lady as Alice . . .

The Sound Money Act is making the rounds of the State Legislatures. Support them and help make Vince 101% correct on this.

Birx is super evil. Did you know that she screamed not to give her a transfusion while she was in labor? She knew about the tainted blood.

"Birx is super evil"?  I couldn't agree with Amazing Polly more. 

Start at the 16:03 mark and run to about the 17:20 mark.  

Here are Kerry's words.  

16:03. Back in the spring of 1983, Debbie was at Walter Reed hospital for the birth of her eldest daughter and she had lost a lot of blood during the delivery and the obstetrician ordered a transfusion.

I got news for you they're about to. 

But Debbie had read a report weeks earlier about a new disease that no one knew much about.  But the risks of a blood transfusion were very, very clear to her.  And literally just before she passed out from pain, Debbie screamed, "Do not let them give me blood."  

Her husband refused the transfusion, and it is a mighty good thing that he did because the hospital learned later that that blood type of her blood type --that they would have used was contaminated with HIV.  That was Debbie's first brush with AIDS, and it literally changed her.  It made her think hard not just about the perils of this new disease, but about her responsibility to fight it.  17:20

An [German] app that detects insects in food

That Java Developer Is Now Making Your Latte