Tuesday, December 26, 2023

INFLATION'S IMPACT ON CAR OWNERSHIP: Used Vehicles+40%; Maintenance & Repair+30%; Insurance+29%

Government ruined marriage?

IDAHO: The state wants to take property-owners' water

This is the state government being driven by globalism to take property owners property it is essentially Agenda 21 protocol the globalists hate private property owners and hate private property it's like that question what is OUR oil doing underneath YOUR land.  Property comes with a bundle of rights, rights to the natural resources above and below your land at a certain, defined reach.  But this is not a squabble over the reach of your property; this is a land grab starting with H2O.  Don't register your bodies of water, and they'll fall into the hands of the state.  Again, Agenda 21.  

So the definition of a housing bubble pop is 10.2%?

Monday, December 25, 2023

Beef can stimulate muscle protein synthesis more effectively than plant-based proteins, says study.

Beef can stimulate muscle protein synthesis more effectively than plant-based proteins, says study.  

 By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton 

Protein consumption is vital to our muscles, as it stimulates the process of producing new muscle proteins, also called muscle protein synthesis. A new study suggests that this process is stimulated to a higher extent following the consumption of a meal in which protein comes from meat, specifically beef, than a meal containing only plant-based protein sources, even when the protein levels are the same. 

Keep reading.