Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Will the U.S. or those wearing blue and gold pins apologize for the slaughter in Ukraine? They can't. Doing so would admit fault and admit blood on their hands

It takes a team to find out what misogynist means

Jeffrey Sach's long history of collaborating with Soros in economic warfare and regime change operations

So Jeffrey Sachs indicting U.S. policy has to be taken with a grain of salt, eh?  Or, he could be accurate, but who is his narrative serving?

Data from Science provides evidence #fructose, at even low-moderate doses, can promote tumor growth.

Ireland immigration statistics: 2005 was 589,046.00, a 68.03% increase over 2000. 2000 was 350,552.00, a 54.5% increase over 1995, . . .

Thank you to Lew Rockwell.  The immigration in Ireland has been building for 20-plus years and has recently turned into chaos.

Writes Tim McGraw:

Recent riots in Dublin after a migrant stabbed children and adults on Parnell Street are in the news. Lots of blah-blah-blah. But what are the numbers? Why would the Irish be upset about migrants seeking to migrate to Ireland?

Ireland’s population is a bit above 5 million.

Here are the migrant numbers:

  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2015 was 746,260.00, a 2.15% increase from 2010.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2010 was 730,542.00, a 24.02% increase from 2005.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2005 was 589,046.00, a 68.03% increase from 2000.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2000 was 350,552.00, a 54.5% increase from 1995.

The numbers for 2020 aren’t even listed. But the numbers above add up to around 2.3 million.

So HALF of Ireland’s population is foreign born? Is that true? Is Ireland even a country anymore?

In 2021, 27% of California’s population was foreign-born.

These are huge migrations of people and changes in demographics. There’s bound to be some friction.