Wednesday, November 8, 2023

American Soldiers Growing a Conscience

"I'm returning my medal today because I want to live by my conscience rather than being a prisoner of it," American veteran soldier of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan
Wait, what? American soldiers stepping out of their woke cloak?

They're just making weapons but to get people on board they say it's defensive and that you will take them to protect yourself from this external, invisible threat.   --Katherine Watt

11:00. Good case in Pennsylvania, called County of Butler vs. Wolf.  It was a bunch of business owners and County governments who sued the governor at the time was Tom Wolf about the executive orders that had shut down schools and then had put capacity limits on businesses and government offices changing how they had to do business so they sued the governor say that this is not okay constitutionally is not okay for the governor to have these executive orders that sees property without due process and obstruct people's right to go to school and go to work and all this stuff and then there was a really, really good order.  William S. Stickman, IV, a federal judge in September 2020, so 3 months later, agreed with the plaintiffs, the business owners, and the county, and said sure, there's an emergency, but the Constitution is strong enough to withstand an emergency and people still have all these constitutional rights, civil liberties, and so you must, I, the judge, was saying, I'm halting these executive orders and taking them off the of the table." And I thought hooray.  And then 3 weeks later, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which is the level above him, reversed his order and left all of the executive orders in play, and I couldn't figure out what was going on there either.  Why did the Third Circuit come in and do this strange thing?  And so that case was playing out through 2020, through 2021 I think that's when they tried to appeal to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court just wouldn't hear it and that was happening with tons and tons of cases like this all over the country.  They were just like nope, we're not even going to entertain discussion about these things.  And so by the end of 2021, I was still following the stuff while I was dealing with stuff in my own family, my husband, and my kids like their schools and work places, and then it was in January 2022 that I heard the podcast by Todd Calendar who is a US attorney, where he talked about the World Health Organization's Health regulation 2005 amendments and how that connected to what was happening in the domestic law in each country, and the relationship between the treaties and the domestic laws.  So that was the point in which I did the deep dive and found the timeline of how it came into play in the United States.  13:49

15:00.  So what I found was starting roughly in World War II and you can trace it back a little farther than that but I tend to start there when I'm talking about it because it seems clear that during World War II "they," the globalists, "the monster," whatever you want to call it, came up with the idea to shift their worldwide war programs and depopulation programs enslavement programs from the overt, like bombs and tanks and armed invasions, to the public health system and the medical system and the pharmaceutical industry.  And they did some of . . . as pilot projects.  It's what Auschwitz and the other concentration camps and the Aktion T4 (1940) for the Eugenics programs and then there was pushback and they did the Nuremberg trials that seemed to send a message to the world that this was not okay but at the same time they were just embedding those programs more covertly into the laws and the public health programs especially in the United States but I think it happened in countries all over the world you can probably track the laws back to the mid 40s in most countries as well also the United States is like the model version of it so it was the 1944 Public Health Service Act and then another milestone in it was the 1969 transfer of the Biological and Chemical Warfare Program, which again, they had the surface level thing going on that "we don't think the biological warfare is good," "we don't think chemical warfare is good," "we're going to have these UN conventions," and then we're going to have the countries comply, but they just moved it over gradually into the public health program and they called what had previously been "The Biological and Chemical Weapons Stockpiles and Production Systems," the "Strategic National Stockpile for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Storage and Pharmaceutical Distribution Systems."

17:50. They're really good at reframing they are very good at presenting the argument that there are these terrible threats, there are these terrible communicable diseases, there are these terrible people who might come up with chemical and biological weapons and we need to have these things as defensive, prophylactics or treatments in case these terrible things actually happen, when, in fact, those are pretextual.  They're just making weapons but to get people on board they say it's defensive and that you will take them to protect yourself from this external, invisible threat. 

18:36. They cannot but be defensive weapons by Nature they are offensive.

Right, because of the complexity of the human body, because of all the things about how chemical and biological things interact with living organisms and the uniqueness, mostly the complexity, the fact that the human body is understood on some level after thousands of years of doctors and people trying to understand how it works but we don't understand it in any complete way as far as all of the ways signaling pathways and everything.

So in the 1960s they passed the legislation turning by weapons into pharmaceutical product what was the next stage?

19:30.  The next milestone was 1983 they added the public health emergency suction to the Public Health Service Act in 1986 was when they did the national vaccine program vaccine injury compensation Program and that's where they first separated out the pharmaceutical industry from most other Industries as far as you don't have any product liability anymore for the products that you put into people's bodies they cannot sue you the pharmaceutical company they can only go through this vaccine injury compensation Program which is very small controlled directly by the federal government and the standards for getting compensation and proving causality between a vaccine and an injury is incredibly high so very few people get money out of that system and that later became the model for the countermeasures injury Compensation Program which is where their Channel all the people from these products

Griffen Herchko: Voice to Skull Technology

Fascinating discussion on how the brain translates energy into sound and how the eyes convert the electromagnetic spectrum between 520 and 720 nanometers, that's the color spectrum, but by the time it hits the eye, it's condensed down to the ganglion, or the retina, and then converted into an electrical signal.  It's not light anymore.  So that electrical signal is what is going to the brain to be processed.  In the brain is a phenomenal neural network that's capable of making these processes.  But if you get the signal in, you can stimulate vision.  So they already figured this out in the early days of electromagnetic radiation.  If you get it at the right interval at the right pulse, you can literally stimulate the nerve cells to produce phosphemes, which is the production of light without light and the ability to hear sound seemingly coming out of nowhere
Give this a listen.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

BILL GATES: I don't remember talking about masks at all

CDC's TRAVEL-BASED GENOME PROGRAM: Originally designed to screen against COVID-19, the program has been expanded to screen for over 30 different pathogens