Monday, October 9, 2023

80% of U.S. Generals Go to Work for Arms Makers

". . . both the Yankee Democrat New York left-wing world in the foreign policy establishment and the Houston Cowboy Republican right-wing world in the foreign policy establishment who now have an economic incentive to destabilize the present government in the country of Israel."

So our own military is oriented towards this Iranian Energy play, something to consider when you think about this reveal about the Iranian spy network within the US Military.  --Mike Benz

Iran signed a $400 billion dollar trade deal in which Iran would export energy to China, which can't produce enough energy on its own. 

5:30. If China is getting revenue from the Iranian energy market, and the Biden faction is partnering with the Chinese energy firms in doing so, the Biden family and its stakeholders around this NATO Atlantic Council Network have a huge vested interest in basically destabilizing the Likud Party government, putting in a party like the Blue and White in Israel and then cleaning up on profits by cracking open the 2nd largest natural gas reserves in the entire world for them to profit off of.  That's a lens through which you might want to look at the current conflict and when you look at the $6 billion dollars recently released to Iran and the neutrality on this and even the positive framing of some of these attacks by the New York Times and other institutions, you may want to consider the money picture. Some critical additional context: I mentioned that Iran sits on the world's #2 largest supply of natural gas.  Do you know who sits on the #1 supply?  Russia.  6:35. So this is part of this whole play of, do you maximum pressure Russia and partner with Iran? Or do you maximum pressure Iran and partner with Russia?  This is the crux of the foreign policy struggle between Trump World in NATO. When the JCPOA, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, i.e., the Iran Nuclear Deal was getting negotiated and ultimately finalized in 2014, eight years before a hot war broke out in Eastern Ukraine. The plan was to kill Gazprom and then find other sources of natural gas to fit the extensive Transit pipeline architecture that Ukraine had as the Gateway into Central and Eastern Europe because of all of Europe was basically dependent in large part on Russian gas.  So what you had there was a plan that maybe Iran, if it could be popped open and there could be Western energy stakeholders on the transits, that Iranian gas could replace Russian gas.  And one of the ways that it would do so would be transit through Azerbaijan.  Azerbaijan is the home of the Darth Cheney Death Star if you will.  If you look at the US Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, a few years ago like 2008, it was Dick Cheney, Richard Armitage, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, who's actually the named Center for the main Atlantic Council geopolitics folks.  It was a who's who of Houston energy mafia folks.  In fact, Iran and Azerbaijan, just two years ago in 2020, signed this big gas-swap agreement.  And some you have a threat to the security and stability of Israel that is really never happened in this country before because you have both the Yankee Democrat New York left-wing world in the foreign policy establishment and the Houston Cowboy Republican right-wing world in the foreign policy establishment who now have an economic incentive to destabilize the present government in the country of Israel.  Now how that plays out and what's ultimately done in response is going to set the stage for the next two decades of geopolitics.

9:07. Another thing to connect this to is the reveal of the massive Iranian spy ring within the US Military that was recently unearthed.  Lee Smith from Tablet has this spectacular piece on this there is also a big scandal going on right now with a high-ranking DOD official who turned out to have this huge interface with Iranian intelligence a lot of people were surprised by that news not me because the biggest pusher of the JCPOA, signed in 2015, the Iran nuclear deal was the Atlantic Council, which again had a cooperation agreement to kick energy deal to Burisma; that is, they were financially sponsored by Burisma to kick them energy deals.  They actually signed it one day before Trump took office in 2017.

9:52.  So the Atlantic Council has been the biggest pusher of this Iran nuclear deal, and you know who funds the Atlantic Council?  The US Department of Defense; in fact, every branch of it: the Marines, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Army, all make separate individual contributions to the Atlantic Council.  So our own military is oriented towards this Iranian Energy play, something to consider when you think about this reveal about the Iranian spy network within the US Military.

10:28. One last thing, I'm not weighing in on the substance of the foreign policy; that's not my main focus.  My main focus is internet censorship, so what does all of this have to do with internet censorship? Internet censorship is often the leading indicator of how the foreign policy establishment is skating to where the puck is going.  So, for example, for a long time, there have been prohibitions by Google and Facebook on paramilitary violence rhetoric networks on those social media platforms to contain their ability to proliferate just as there was for a long time on the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.  But as the Azov Battalion became a famously Neo-Nazi adjacent network, as it became geopolitically useful as a battering ram against Russia, Facebook actually de-hate-speeched them, allowing them to be on Facebook and Google.  You could talk about them you could promote them in soft terms.  They were unleashed, so to speak, in terms of their freedom on social media because they became geopolitically useful.  We will see now, if you see, for example, Google and Facebook and long-arm proxies for the National Security State and the foreign policy establishment lead some of this by basically soft promoting or removing certain censorship capacities that will be an indicator in many respects of what a state department official may have said to those tech companies to allow that to happen.  This is why internet censorship is such a fascinating space because in a way it's a leading indicator of what is about to happen on the world stage.

44 drugs CONTRAINDICATED with Paxlovid . . . including statins. ZERO drugs contradicted with Ivermectin

INDICATORS THAT WE'RE BECOMING POORER: Average age of cars in the USA is 12.5 years old, a new all time high. Cheap chicken has been replacing beef in our diet. Life expectancy has been falling for 7 years in a row.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

This is the worst case of injustice we’ve witnessed in this country. If they can do this to a former President and his family, imagine what they’ll do to you!