Monday, September 25, 2023

NOTE WELL: The highest IRR IN ALL OF FINANCE IS BRIBING POLITICIANS. For as little as $8500 political contribution, you can get $9 million in contract returns

IRR is the Internal Rate of Return.  Schiff is the representative for California's 30th Congressional District.  California has a total of 52 congressional districts.  I lived in the 13th and the 28th district where Judy Chu is the current representative.


Chris Repke adds,

It’s even worse than that. The ferret studies prior to 2020 killed all the ferrets with heart disease. This was known way back in development, long before COVID was even a thing. And the FDA and CDC and WHO and manufacturers all knew it. THEY ALL KNEW.


Probably going to lose a penny or two from my Adsense account for posting this.  


Sunday, September 24, 2023

It's certainly the BRI plan to get people onto paycheck to paycheck on everything for "maximum civil compliance

BRI stands for the Belt and Road Initiative, China's version of the Marshall Plan.

Mayo Clinic quietly updates website to say Hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat Covid patients