Friday, September 1, 2023

But why go after the French and not the British?

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Now Democrats are going to start indicting other states & Governors they don't like

Lost Remedies

I see in your issue of last week that a surgeon in India has tried the injection of chloral in cholera, and lost 60% of his patients. I have tried oil of cinnamon in an outbreak on board an Indian immigrant ship, and every case recovered.  --T.D. Atkins, MRCS (Royal College of Surgeons), from Suzanne Humphries' Dissolving Illusions, 2013.

Cinnamon is a common and familiar spice that has anti-infective properties a 2009 study in the Journal of Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgery showed it to be effective in hospital-acquired infections and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are major health concerns worldwide.  Cinnamon's use as an anti-infective has been known for a long time.  A letter to the editor in 1878 to the medical journal The Lancet indicated that, during an outbreak of cholera, all cases survived through the use of cinnamon.  This is an impressive claim since cholera had a very high fatality rate during the 1800s.
I see in your issue of last week that a surgeon in India has tried the injection of chloral in cholera, and lost 60% of his patients. I have tried oil of cinnamon in an outbreak on board and Indian immigrant ship, and every case recovered. I have no doubt that the above medicine is a specific for cholera.

In 1889, Dr. Knaggs used a combination of ingredients including cinnamon with good outcomes in all 75 patients who suffered with the bacterial infection diphtheria.  The therapeutic mixture was prescription was precipitated sulfur chocolate powder glycerin and cinnamon water.  

Mix the powders in a mortar; then gradually add the glycerine with constant trituration, and lastly the cinnamon water.  Dose, half a teaspoonful every hour or oftener.  Dr. Knaggs reports the treatment of 75 cases of diphtheria by this drug alone, with no fatal results.

🚩 Glyphosate is like a πŸ’£ to the gut. It weakens the immune system & causes cancer.πŸ‘‰ Studies show we can reduce our glyphosate levels by over 70% after 6 days of switching to an Organic diet.

Blackstone: literally throwing the keys of their houses back to the bank because the prices are down so much.