Sunday, June 18, 2023

Not today, Batman, not today

LARKSPUR, CA: My contact that sent this video is local military and says it is NOT a drill.

Okay, after posting everything below, I was thinking that NATO's exercise in Ukraine is a dry rehearsal for a military operation against the US.  Wild, I know, but so the different schizophrenic narratives have also been wild from the Dodgers, an American MLB team with a storied history, flips its values right un the face of Catholics.  With the Archbishops and nuns defending the dDodgers' decision, people who have no children of their own.  And if anybody wanted to get out of Southern California, they only have I15 up iver the Cajon Pass and is regularly choked to a standstill.  If you can make it over that pass in 2 hours, you're lucky, and that's without traffic in the high desert.  The other exit is the 10 to Phoenix.  Good luck.

Can anyone confirm?  

In Larkspur, CA in Marin County, the same county that launched the COVID lockdowns before it went nationwide.

In Michigan. Behold A Pale Horse, Milton William Cooper, 1991.

UPDATE: Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson

This story is from May 2021

Saturday, June 17, 2023

SASHA LATYPOVA: The whole representation of what is happening is a lie.

4:40. The whole representation of what is happening is a lie. Basically, the US government is representing to the public that this is a health event and a response to a health event, but the fact is what they are doing is a military operation with the vaccines.  And they're not really vaccines; they're injections being manufactured under defense contracts utilizing the Defense Production Act and Other Transaction Authority, and the Emergency Use Authorization under Public Health Emergency, so when these things are used together, then good manufacturing practices do not apply to these products at all.  Even legally. There is law. 21 USC; 360bbb that says "Emergency Use Authorized countermeasures under public health emergency cannot constitute clinical investigation."  So clinical investigation is not possible for these countermeasures.  And if clinical investigation is not possible, then you cannot have clinical trials, you cannot have informed consent, you cannot have clinical subjects and you cannot have clinical trial subjects, and you cannot have clinical trial investigators. So using the structure of emergency use authorization in public health emergency, Other Transaction Authority, Defense Production Act, the government was able to commander pharmaceutical companies to produce these non-compliant injectable products and distribute them, calling them "medicine," when, in fact, it's not a medicine, it's an act of war.  They're using the Defense Production Act, the machinery, the United States military.  Even internationally this is being distributed from [the U.S.] military to overseas military, not from a pharmaceutical distribution chain.  So they're using the military machinery to distribute this noncompliant product, including biological, chemical, all kinds of ingredients.  We don't really understand very well and call it public health and medicine.  

7:00. Military distribution of vaccines is official.  That was announced December 9, 2020. 

7:35. Countermeasure is a very important legal term.  It's a very fuzzy term first of all.  Anything can be a countermeasure.  A lock on the door can be a countermeasure against a break-in.  So calling something a countermeasure you're already remove the precision of the legal definitions of a pharmaceutical.  But we know already it's not a pharmaceutical.

Any drug device or biological product that is approved, cleared, or licensed by the FDA that is used to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat, cure or limit the harm of Covid-19 is a covered countermeasure.

It's not a conspiracy, definitely not, because the law I just described 21USC; 360bbb TITLE 21 FOOD AND DRUGS, is cited by everyone, including the FDA and their documents, including by the manufacturers and their documents, including, including the GAO reports that discussed this.   The judge in Brook Jackson's case, which was dismissed, agrees with what I just said.  He agreed with the fact that Pfizer wasn't supposed to be compliant with good manufacturing practices per the contract with the Department of Defense. That they were producing countermeasures that they were producing large scale manufacturing manufacturing demonstration, which is how these things were ordered from the government. He essentially describes in a more sophisticated 100 page document that it's a contract that Pfizer produced.  Pfizer produced their DOD contract and since then hundreds of Department of Defense contracts for Covid countermeasures were were released through through FOIA although they were partially redacted.  They're utilizing this structure of ordering countermeasures, ordering prototypes, Department of Defense ordering it from the pharmaceutical manufacturers under the Defense Production Act, under Other Transaction Authority, and the good manufacturing practices, GMP, are not part of it at all.  So this product by Statute and by contract with the Department of Defense does not need to be compliant with GMP.

Here is the full interview without any subscription. Thank you to The Vigilant Fox.  

You could never sell this script in Hollywood, so don't even try . . .