Saturday, June 17, 2023

You could never sell this script in Hollywood, so don't even try . . .

Establishment Journalists Love to Say, "The truth will out." But give it 22 years . . . maybe more

So this would all but silence critics of the "it was an inside job" message. 

Putin revealed details of the April 2022 Russo-Ukrainian peace treaty to the African peace delegation today.

Every world leader loves to chat with Putin.  Yes, it's that bad.  We need a U.S. Putin.  Who might that be?  Donald Trump.  It's not about Trump.  It's about the future of the U.S.A

"Peter, if you claim what RFK Jr is saying is misinformation, I am offering you $100,000 to the charity of your choice if you're willing to debate him on my show with no time limit"

Putin sought early peace deal . . . Ukraine agreed until its own negotiator got assassinated . . .

So who is running this war?