Saturday, June 17, 2023

Establishment Journalists Love to Say, "The truth will out." But give it 22 years . . . maybe more

So this would all but silence critics of the "it was an inside job" message. 

Putin revealed details of the April 2022 Russo-Ukrainian peace treaty to the African peace delegation today.

Every world leader loves to chat with Putin.  Yes, it's that bad.  We need a U.S. Putin.  Who might that be?  Donald Trump.  It's not about Trump.  It's about the future of the U.S.A

"Peter, if you claim what RFK Jr is saying is misinformation, I am offering you $100,000 to the charity of your choice if you're willing to debate him on my show with no time limit"

Putin sought early peace deal . . . Ukraine agreed until its own negotiator got assassinated . . .

So who is running this war?   

Dandelion Root Starts Working Within 30 Seconds and removes 50% of spike protein from the cell.

Thank you to Penny ButlerThe beneficial effects of Dandelion root start in 30 seconds.  Fine, but what exactly is the benefit?  What does does dandelion do to the spike protein and what does dandelion do to the ACE2 receptor and other cells?  One, dandelion removes 50% of spike protein, the pro-inflammatory toxin, from the cell.  Not a bad start.  Two, once dandelion extract is in your cells, the spike proteins have a very difficult time binding to your cells.  Even if the dandelion root extract was only in the saliva of your mouth and not in the digestive tract it continued to work.  In other words, the saliva does not destroy the dandelion, and that it can work in the mouth. 


Interesting point halfway thru the enzymes and electrolytes in dandelion can literally cleanse and strengthen your heart valves and muscles but the monsters at Monsanto force farmers to use Round-Up as the preferred herbicide.  Herbicide?  You know what means, right?  To kill herbs.  Herbs are what keep us healthy.  And Monsanto wants to kill everything that keeps us alive  Gee, I wonder why.  The same company that owns the heart medicine

3:48  Pfizer owns Monsanto (i.e., Pharmacia).  It is the 2nd largest pharmaceutical in the world.  

Pharmacia was formed in April 2000 by the merger between Pharmacia & Upjohn and Monsanto and its pharmaceutical unit, Searle. At the time of the merger, Searle had an agreement with Pfizer to co-promote Celebrex, a blockbuster arthritis drug the companies developed together. Celebrex is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to temporarily relieve pain and inflammation.

Pharmacia completed the spinoff of its agricultural subsidiary Monsanto in August 2002.

The month before, in July 2002, Pfizer agreed to purchase Pharmacia for $60 billion. The deal, finalized in April 2003, gave Pfizer full rights to Celebrex. It came during a time when pharmaceutical companies were struggling to develop new drugs, facing increasing competition from generic drugmakers, and pricing pressures from governments and private buyers. The acquisition made Pfizer the top pharmaceutical company by revenue in every major market in the world. 

Top shareholders in Pfizer are Frank A. D'amelio, John Douglas Young, Mikael Dolston, Vanguard Group Inc., BlackRock Inc. (BLK), and State Street Corp.

4:45. Dr. Eric Berg.  Dandelion weed is way healthier than most of the vegetables that you're consuming.  

4:50. The whole plant is edible.  In TCM, they tout it for its digestive properties.  Helps to break down the fats a little quicker.  On ayurvedic medicine, they love it for detoxification.  It's great for your liver.  Lemon juice on your salad helps break down the fibers in the greens.


Dandelions are part of the lettuce group.  Helps cleanse the blood, cleanse the liver, dissolves kidney stones, clears skin and acne, and the sap is good for removing warts and moles.