Saturday, June 17, 2023

People think that it's about Trump. It's really about the power of the American people to control their own executive branch.

Jesus Angleton was running around blackmailing members of Congress when he was part of the CIA.  --Robert Barnes


When you have an unelected bureaucracy that has administrative power over law enforcement and National Security it got termed a "Deep State" because of how deeply entrenched it is and because of how powerful that can be.  And we have that problem in the United States.  People like Jesus Angleton was running around blackmailing members of Congress when he was part of the CIA.  So it broadened their budgets and expanded their power.  So we're back to that all over again with we have aspects of the intelligence community that thinks they should run American foreign policy and the American people should not be bothered with it. The American people shouldn't get to determine that.  They're elected president shouldn't get to dictate that.  That they are the experts and they should run the show and the president should just be their spokesperson and if he ever challenges them he goes to prison.  That's the meaning of this indictment.

And when they're using the Espionage Act which has been a hangover from World War I, the language in the Espionage Act is very clear that it's about doing anything that goes against the interests of the United States of America.  So if these guys, the bureaucrats, the prosecutors, whomever, see Donald Trump being president as being against the interests of the United States of America, they will essentially stop at nothing what you're saying to stop him from being president again.

That's exactly what's going on.  I mean they're basically saying "because you challenged us, we're going to try to put you in prison for 400 years and we're going to try to make sure you're never president again," just like they handicapped his presidency with as we now know from the Durham report a bogus RussiaGate investigation and smear campaign that might have prevented . . .  if Trump had free reign, maybe we don't have this war with Ukraine.  Maybe he would have found a solution so this war doesn't exist.  So these are real world consequences to the perilous precedents.  People think that it's about Trump. It's really about the power of the American people to control their own executive branch.

It's a cover story, so that when everything falls apart, they want to be able to say, "See, the Russians did it."

Trending on Twitter was a story about a Russian hat group if they want to bring down the internet within 24 hours.  There was a Cyber attack on federal agencies today.  and Tom's response is okay so am I six is trying to create a false flag in order to get us into world war with Russia this is how I see all this these freaking Brits just run around trying to get everybody into war.  And the CIA and MI6 are practically the same thing.  The Russians are not going to take down the European banking system, like that would be the one thing they're not going to do. The European banking system is going to collapse on its own.  If anything this is just a cover story "that the Russians did it" when the whole thing collapses.

There is Davos old European Colonials, a lot of overlapping, Venn diagram, and the with the old British aristocracy, like for example King Charles is part of that group.  They have the Brits who have their own particular agenda and they like to set everybody against each other and run around in the dark and do all the nefarious things they do.  Brits are classic mercantilists and they just want to be able to control the price of everything. And have all the prices go through them, so that they get to sign off on everything.  And this is the main reason why they hate the Russians because the Russians refused, saying, you don't get to set the price of oil, you don't get to set the price of gold, you don't get to set the price of commodities, this or that, or shipping insurance, or any of this stuff.  And then you have the AmericanExceptionalists whom they've trained into believing that they are better than everybody else built up this these insane dispensationalist in the heart of America with guys like Mike Pompeo who are all end of times the global war of all against all against Satan not that I think that Pompeo believes any of that stuff clearly he doesn't believe in anything except for himself and the buffet table but the people he represents and that's a particular aspect of American Christianity that is that are offshoots of Catholicism and OrthodoxyThatAre dangerousAll these weird Protestant sex the Pentecostals and all that

Brits are really good at choking off economic avenues.