Monday, June 12, 2023

". . . my dad is from Spain and he was against the communists in Spain. My mom is from Serbia. She was against communism there. . . . this is my beautiful country now and I'm gonna die if I have to for it

I came here for several reasons.  Number one, law.  I thought that the United States is a country of law. the culture, the Constitution.  The thing is that my dad is from Spain and he was against the communists in Spain.  My mom is from Serbia.  She was against communism there.  I cannot stand it.  It's just like in my DNA and I have been very depressed.  I'm so thankful for you.  Injustice upon injustice upon injustice and you keep on going and I really thank you so much.  . . . Yeah, but you know what, this is my beautiful country now and I'm gonna die if I have to for it, so . . .

60 military officials in leadership roles, at least 4 generals, involved in the leadership of Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed Organizational Chart.  Note at the top of the organizational chart, or to the right, the Chief Operating Officer is The Department of Defense, and the HHS were designated only as advisors.  Had you known that would that have made a difference in your decision to get a shot, or would you have thought, "No, I don't want to get the same treatment as a soldier, where the Army gives them experimental shots."  

"Operation Warp Speed: More Army Than Science," STAT, Damian Garde, September 28, 2020.

60 military officials in leadership roles, at least 4 generals, involved in the leadership of Operation Warp Speed.  Here is a short list.  

Diagnostics: Major General Lee Payne, Assistant Director for Combat Support at the Defense Health Agency (DHA).

Therapeutics: Sean Biggerstaff, Ph.D., Acting Director for Research and Development at DHA.

Vaccines: Matt Hepburn, M.D., Joint Project Lead CBRN Defense Enabling Biotechnologies.

Production and Distribution: Stacy Cummings, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Enablers.

Security and Assistance: Andrew Kilianski, Chief Intelligence Officer for CBRN Defense.

Found the chart from Steve Falconer.

Who is really developing and manufacturing these injections? Operation Warp Speed is more like Army than Science.  Trump said that in one of his speeches, that Americans would line up and the military would get the shot in the arm.  Well, couldn't find the video for that, but here is Reuters, May 13, 2020.

“You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”

He said he believes there will be a vaccine by the end of the year and the United States is mobilizing “our military and other forces” on that assumption. 

Turns out that Deborah Birx was not an HHS employee.  Turns out she was from National Security.  NSA? 

COVID injections are not subject to any normal pharmaceutical regulatory rules. This is what prevents the gov't, or the FDA, from starting any investigations of them despite signals of harm

This was interesting. When the FDA made comments on TV, newspapers, online, etc, they talked about the vaccines as though they had authoritative approval but they did not by the very definition set by HHS.  So when they talked about the vaccines, they lied, because they don't have that authority.  

"So when [the] FDA... says 'Oh, you know, we reviewed COVID-19 vaccines rigorously and they're safe and effective, they're lying in many, many ways here and the first way that they're lying is that they're actually talking about them [the injections] as if they have regulatory authority over this matter. They don't," Latypova says.

Because the supposed "clinical trials" for the injections were not in the Scope of Work (SoW) described in the contracts signed between the DOD and pharma companies like Pfizer,****** they have been irrelevant to the injections actually going into people's bodies. The "vaccine development and approval could be named for a movie or a theater production or a show," Latypova says. She adds, "There is no vaccine development and approval because these products are not pharmaceuticals, they're not vaccines, they're countermeasures under EUA under public health emergency, they're not subject to any regulation. Especially not pharmaceutical regulation." Latypova notes that "Legally, there are no clinical trial subjects or investigators and therefore there has never been informed consent for these things. And what FDA is really doing is they're impersonating the regulators and lying to the public." She adds, "not... all 15,000 employees of the FDA are aware of this, but I know that a few at the top... have been briefed and they know what they're doing. So they're impersonating regulators and they're lying to their own employees..."

FLASHBACK: Gen. Mark A. Milley called his Chinese counterpart before the 2020 election and revealed classified information and promised to continue leaking information related to our nation's military posture and planning.

Those Claiming that we Need to Fix Global Warming are the Very Ones Causing it

I don't know what any of us can do about this. So I offer no call to action.  What, write a letter to your congressman, or woman, who is owned by Blackrock or one of the three-letter agencies under NSA?  It's a 2-hour video. No one has the time for it, but if you're doing a school project or online course this video has all the right people with great credentials to speak with some authority on the topic.  Here's the linkThank you to Gail Appel @ Lew Rockwell

Solar Radiation Management Operations, is an advocacy group started in New York back in the 1970s.  Something tells me they're more interested in political correctness for powerful clients than actual advocates for weather that is conducive to human flourishing anywhere.  

This is just incredible.  Had no idea these groups even existed.  So when Bill Gates says he's going to create cloud covers to lessen the heat, temperatures, and light from the sun due to, you guessed it, Global Warming, it means he's already doing this.  Here's a 8-year-old article from 2015